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View Full Version : Swollen lymph nodes under armpit

28-12-18, 23:48
Hi everyone,

I'm really panicking! On christmas eve I was shaving under my armpits and under my right armpit I felt a little bump.
It's not actually right under my armpit, it's sort of more at the top of my arm and almost out of the armpit area if that makes sense.
I saw the doctor yesterday and he felt it and said it's a lymph node and gave me antibiotics. He said it's not in the right place for something like breast cancer as that's what I was worrying about.
He said if in ten days it hasn't gone than to go back and he will examine me more thoroughly but that he's really not worried about it. He also said to leave it alone as I have made it very sore.
Now I know he said to leave it alone but tonight I felt it again and now there is another one next to it! It's smaller but I'm worried again now. I mean surely that isn't normal? The first one I noticed is probably about 3 cms and the smaller one is about 1 cm.
What does everyone think? xxx

28-12-18, 23:52
I think you should stop poking and prodding it and leave it alone to be honest as the doctor has suggested.

28-12-18, 23:55
I know and I will now, it's just I have it in my head to keep checking it even though I know I won't gain anything from that xxx

29-12-18, 00:08
It will make it worse to be honest so try not to keep playing with them and let them calm down.