View Full Version : Having a catastrophic panic attack. Please help

29-12-18, 04:15
I don't know what happened...but all the sudden i felt like i was getting stoned. I felt like i could see my tongue moving in my mouth..or that what i was looking at is not really there...like I am stuck asleep and can not wake up...everything is bright and not focused. I cant focus and i keep getting massive panic attacks over and over again. I feel like I am high or something. I had this exact feeling last time I was actually getting high..that i was losing focus on what i was looking at. I am flipping out. Please tell me i didn't turn into a crazy person. Am i always going to be like this now. I need to wake up!

---------- Post added at 04:15 ---------- Previous post was at 02:31 ----------


29-12-18, 04:34
If you're worried that you're experiencing some kind of psychotic episode, try to remind yourself that people going through that are not generally sat around worrying about it. The people who sit around worrying about it are the anxious and the stressed out and the phobic.

You're experiencing dissociative feelings and symptoms that come with panic and being so tuned in to your own experience. The way out of this is to recognise if for what it is and allow it to pass.

29-12-18, 05:10
If you're worried that you're experiencing some kind of psychotic episode, try to remind yourself that people going through that are not generally sat around worrying about it. The people who sit around worrying about it are the anxious and the stressed out and the phobic.

You're experiencing dissociative feelings and symptoms that come with panic and being so tuned in to your own experience. The way out of this is to recognise if for what it is and allow it to pass.

So much yes to the second sentence, this 100% sounds like some kind of dissociation to me, I've definitely had my share of weird feelings from dissociation and the more I think about/fixate on them the worse they become. Try to relax and find things to distract yourself to allow the feeling to pass.

29-12-18, 05:31
I figured out exactly....and I do mean EXACTLY what it felt like. Have you ever seen the movie Get Out? There is a scene where someone hypnotized him and his mind falls into a void, further away from himself. It was...is exactly like that. Like i am not in control of my thoughts or focus...and that i am looking at something but not 'seeing' it cause my brain is in dream mode, and by that i dont mean dreamlike feelings..not euphoria, i mean random thoughts, like daydreams...like if I move my tongue in my mouth, not only can i feel it, but my brain is imagining what it would look like inside..it is weird. Every time this hits me my heart goes 150bmp and i sweat and flip out. I feel like I am falling into a coma or something. I don't understand what this even is. I can't stop crying.

29-12-18, 15:03

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


29-12-18, 15:52
I've experienced this many times and it is a nasty symptom of anxiety.

You're not going mad, you're not going to 'lose it', you're not psychotic. Your spelling and grammar is still fine! :)

My heart rate would also get up to those levels when it happened to me. In fact one time I was watching the Winter Olympics and one of the athletes looked at the screen and I 'KNEW' she was looking at me, and only at me. I 'KNEW' she was trying to communicate with me, but I didn't know if it was real or not, or if I was dreaming or just imagining it. It's a nasty symptom, but it's not harmful.

What I found was that if I actively controlled my breathing and recited familiar numbers (birthdays, addresses etc) it helped a lot.

You will be fine.

29-12-18, 18:29
I've had these symptoms, very nasty, but no more harmful than other anxiety symptoms. Reading your posts, I can tell you are definitely not crazy or psychotic. Your prose is well structured, descriptive, logical and intelligent. A person having a psychotic episode would not be capable of such insight and reason. It's a horrid, horrid feeling but textsfromthemoon has given you great advice. X

29-12-18, 19:05
I've had these symptoms, very nasty, but no more harmful than other anxiety symptoms. Reading your posts, I can tell you are definitely not crazy or psychotic. Your prose is well structured, descriptive, logical and intelligent. A person having a psychotic episode would not be capable of such insight and reason. It's a horrid, horrid feeling but textsfromthemoon has given you great advice. X

Thanks for the compliment. I just want this feeling to end. I question of it really is depersonalization or not given the fact that, most people describe such as being outside of their body or...asleep. I feel like I am trapped inside my head..deep somewhere. I feel like I took a hit of Sylvia and my eyes are open, but nobody is home. Like someone could wave their hand in my face and I wouldn't 'see' it cause the part of the brain that interprets what i am looking at IRL is shut off and replaced by intrusive, random images created off of current sounds, smells, or feelings. Like i am hypnotized. My panic attacks hit when ai truly feel like these dream-like images will take over and I will truly fall into a coma, a trance, a hypnosis I can't snap out of.

29-12-18, 19:37
Yeah, that's just how it makes you feel. I've never tripped but it reminded me how I felt when I was coming down on E's - simultaneously wired and gouching at the same time while feeling so, so far removed from normality. It feels like an existential crisis. It's totally pointless focusing on the feelings and coming up with imaginative explanations though. It's really just driven by anxiety X