View Full Version : I need reassurance please, not great doctors appt.

29-12-18, 05:01
I am sorry this post is long, but I am very scared of going to the doctors about my health anxiety related problems so I just wanna rant a bit (thank you to anyone who reads the whole thing!):

recently I have been dealing with severe anxiety because I was worried I had breast cancer, the worry came in march when I woke up to a sharp pain in the side of my breast and I instantly thought of the worst possible case, (I am 20 years old if that helps with anything) So I had a breast exam done with a doctor and she told me not to worry and I was fine, fast forward to now and I have been scared out of my mind again about this pain because it is still there only it comes and goes when it pleases, so I worked up the nerve to make another appt to talk to a doctor about it because I did not bring the pain up before, I only asked for an exam.

This time I met with a different doctor, we talked about my anxiety and I finally asked her about the breast pain but she didn't give me an answer that made me happy.... she had no clue what the pain could be, I tried to explain that my mom told me she has a very similar, almost identical pain and her doctor said it was caused by a nerve. She still had no clue and told me as long as it isn't persistent pain I am fine (even though I told her I get it multiple times a month, her definition of persistent means 24/7) She even felt the area and said I should not be concerned and told me she does not know what could cause it but she knows that I am okay.

I don't know why but I started crying when I left the place, It is really hard for me to go to the doctors for my anxiety and since she didn't know I just don't feel any better at all. She gave me Prozac which I am going to try but I really need reassurance right now...... does anyone think I have anything to be worried about? Or should I just listen to what she said and know that I am okay?? This pain has caused a lot of anxiety in me and I appreciate any input at all!!
Note: I did not have any anxiety until AFTER I felt this pain for the first time but I am sure my anxiety made it worse.

29-12-18, 05:09
I can understand how frustrating it can be to go to the doctor and not get the answer that our anxiety wants to hear but if a doctor is saying you are fine especially after an exam then that means you are fine, if she had found anything of concern she 100% would have told you.
I'm close to the same age as you (I'm 23) and have random pain in my breasts from time to time, aches and pains happen to us all and it does not always mean something sinister. It could be from the way you're sleeping, a nerve etc. I find sometimes alternate wearing a sports bra occasionally instead of traditional bra helps if I'm feeling any pain/discomfort

29-12-18, 11:10
Two Doctors have told you that you're fine, but that doesn't make you happy and you class that as a 'not great appt'?

What would make you happy?

I think you just need to accept that sometimes we can have little pains and niggles that can't be explained.

You're asking for reassurance about that not one, but two trained medical professionals have told you not to worry about. What kind of reassurance do you think untrained strangers on the internet can possibly bring you!

In other words, try to let it go......:)

"yeah but you hear about stories of Doctors missing things......" <--- Don't go there either!!

29-12-18, 11:58
Note: I did not have any anxiety until AFTER I felt this pain for the first time but I am sure my anxiety made it worse.

Hi sorry I have to dispute this statement.

Looking back on your post history your anxiety maybe triggered by an ache or a pain, but you have a habit of rushing to the worst case senario.

The pain could be from something as simple as a pulled muscle, they are incredibly painful and can take time to calm down.

You have been examined twice, you have nothing to worry about.

29-12-18, 13:05
I've been in your shoes before. I avoided my doctor for years.

Firstly know that your fears are irrational, or abnormal. Most people don't think like this. You probably already know this. So my first port of call would be to visit your doctor and explain this. Explain how your anxiety makes you think irrationally and it's now impacting your life.

You will likely be offered medications and/or therapy. Take any help even if it seems pointless or silly. It will help you.

I was recently given Sertraline, was on a high dose for a while but I eventually got to the point where I had no anxiety. And since I've been off them it's creepy back but I'm on top of it this time so it doesn't affect my life.

Just yesterday I made a post jumping to the worst case situation because I felt ill and had a headache. The cause? No idea it's gone today, but the point I am making is we're human and we are going to feel aches, pains and all sorts of odd things that need not freak us out.

My brother is a very fit and active police officer. He told me recently that I am not alone with ectopic heartbeats and that he has them sometimes too. It's reassuring to know that you are not alone.

Even if you don't go to the doctors I want you to do something. I had to do this. I want you to ban yourself from this forum for a week. Whenever you have an anxiety flair up I want you to go to a quite place and take some deep breaths. DO NOT touch your phone to Google.

It's going to be hard, but it's a step in the right direction and it will help you. I would also advise you at least order a self help book from Amazon. I can highly recommend Claire Weekes audio CD's they helped me.

I was also an alcoholic btw, and what I learned from quitting alcohol was the power of the mind and how we are in complete control. If you want to break free from this you have to take the leap of faith.

03-01-19, 17:53

Been to that place many times ( I am much older than you). I can console you completely because i was told by the best breast surgeon/specialist in the area ( Washington D.C. area), that breast cancer DOES NOT HURT. Period. It hurts if there is obvious large swelling, hotness and redness - but that is completely different story. Pain the normal looking breast does not mean anything, and in your age, it is probably hormonal.

I hope this helps,
