View Full Version : Leg discomfort and worried about blood clots

29-12-18, 08:15
Hey again, I’m back to my old self of posting way too much on here....all in coordination with my current anxiety levels. I’m sorry :(

I’ve been worrying since before Christmas about the strange feelings in my leg, it’s my right calf mostly. I can’t properly explain it, it feels like a dead leg, almost numb and just really uncomfortable. I can’t shake it at all!!

I woke up at 5 this morning with a racing heart so there I was, convinced a blood clot had travelled to my lungs.

I cannot calm down at all.

I went to the doctors yesterday, I saw a really unhelpful doctor honestly. I don’t like saying that about the doctors I see but he really wasn’t kind. He squeezed my calf for a second and said “I’ll give you painkillers” so started prescribing neproxan (is that how it’s spelt? Idk) - and I said I was concerned it was something a bit more sinister and as he hadn’t even looked at me I was like.....okay? And he cut me off every time I tried to voice a concern and said “why are you talking about other things? I’m prescribing you painkillers” - not pleasant, I left just wanting to cry.

So I’m no way reassured and still worrying my head off about it 😭

29-12-18, 13:23
You've been worrying about blood clots for months and it hasn't happened so :shrug:

Positive thoughts

29-12-18, 14:24
You've been worrying about blood clots for months and it hasn't happened so :shrug:

Positive thoughts

I know :( I know in my heart how irrational everything is, it sucks. I've lost my way a bit, I want to listen to the rational side of me again but it feels impossible.

I just feel very lost right now.

29-12-18, 14:28
I know :( I know in my heart how irrational everything is, it sucks. I've lost my way a bit, I want to listen to the rational side of me again but it feels impossible.

I just feel very lost right now.

Being lost is a good description for anxiety. Imagine walking on a well marked path through the woods and wandering off the trail when you know full well doing so will get you lost. That's kind of what anxiety does to you.

Hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

29-12-18, 14:42
Being lost is a good description for anxiety. Imagine walking on a well marked path through the woods and wandering off the trail when you know full well doing so will get you lost. That's kind of what anxiety does to you.

Hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

That is a really interesting way of looking at it, definitely. I just need to find my way back again.

Thank you very much, you’re always so kind x

30-12-18, 22:31
Just an update on this...

I was advised to go to a&e as the discomfort hadn’t gone away. I got to a&e but was streamlined through to a gp instead. I saw a doctor I’ve seen lots of times, he felt my leg, looked at it and had me move my leg to check the strength I suppose? He wasn’t concerned. However, he was concerned about my health anxiety and how it’s still controlling me daily.

He remembered me from before and he spoke kindly to me about it all. Saying I need to challenge my thoughts and instead of becoming an expert on all these illnesses to become an expert on health anxiety. Sounds like a smart idea.

My leg is still uncomfortable and feeling super weird, I’ve just got to get through it somehow.

Life’s hard, hey!

Happy new year x

31-12-18, 00:01
Have blood drawn and have them check vitamin levels, I bet you are low on something? Do you drink enough water?

31-12-18, 11:57
Have blood drawn and have them check vitamin levels, I bet you are low on something? Do you drink enough water?

Yeah I will have to see if I can get that done, no doctor the past week has suggested having a blood test. My mum thought perhaps I had a bit of anaemia as I’ve always suffered on and off with this. But no I honestly don’t think I drink enough really.

31-12-18, 12:07
Just an update on this...

I was advised to go to a&e as the discomfort hadn’t gone away. I got to a&e but was streamlined through to a gp instead. I saw a doctor I’ve seen lots of times, he felt my leg, looked at it and had me move my leg to check the strength I suppose? He wasn’t concerned. However, he was concerned about my health anxiety and how it’s still controlling me daily.

He remembered me from before and he spoke kindly to me about it all. Saying I need to challenge my thoughts and instead of becoming an expert on all these illnesses to become an expert on health anxiety. Sounds like a smart idea.

My leg is still uncomfortable and feeling super weird, I’ve just got to get through it somehow.

Life’s hard, hey!

Happy new year x

Glad to affirm all is well and glad to read about a doctor that's aware and sympathetic to your anxiety. Perhaps you can get a referral for therapy to help you challenge your thoughts?

Positive thoughts

31-12-18, 12:29
Glad to affirm all is well and glad to read about a doctor that's aware and sympathetic to your anxiety. Perhaps you can get a referral for therapy to help you challenge your thoughts?

Positive thoughts

I've been under a private therapist for a few months, he's helped but I haven't seen him in about 6 weeks and totally fallen backwards. Like my mum said, I shouldn't have gone so backwards if what he had been teaching me and stuff was that relevant to me, if you know what I mean.

I've got an appointment with a link working at my doctors next week and will talk about getting back on the list for the wellbeing service and perhaps go down that route again and leave the private therapist.

He's been super helpful but in this little bad spell I've had I've found no comfort or distraction in the techniques he's taught me. But then again I find it hard to sit down and concentrate and take my mind elsewhere when I'm in such a bad way, so can't really win.

I'll get there, just one day at a time!

31-12-18, 13:40
I'll get there, just one day at a time!

Good answer! Attitude is 90% of the battle :yesyes:

Positive thoughts

04-01-19, 15:53
I am still a mess honestly.

I wanted so badly to stay positive.

I went to the doctors yesterday, still with the leg discomfort. She felt my leg, measured both to compare (the painful one is a cm bigger, no big deal) - she said she thought maybe I had a vitamin D deficiency causing the leg pain so told me to go and get a blood test.

I got the results back from the FBC today, low iron levels and slightly raised liver function. That freaked me out enough. I asked what relevance they would have to the leg pain and she said none.

I've got to wait until next week for the other blood test to come back about the vitamin D.

For now however, I am stuck on the blood clot thoughts again. Absolutely terrified.

I am in no way at risk, I am not on the pill, I don't smoke, not overweight - I'm 5'3 and weigh around 47kg. I do work in an office so I am sat still for most of the day, but I walk to work every day to keep myself more active than I could be.

I'm bloody scared and fed up. My mind will not shut off at all about this :( I don't really know what to do next without sending myself completely crazy and everyone around me. This is the worst relapse I've had in ages.

04-01-19, 16:06
I am still a mess honestly.

I wanted so badly to stay positive.

I went to the doctors yesterday, still with the leg discomfort. She felt my leg, measured both to compare (the painful one is a cm bigger, no big deal) - she said she thought maybe I had a vitamin D deficiency causing the leg pain so told me to go and get a blood test.

I got the results back from the FBC today, low iron levels and slightly raised liver function. That freaked me out enough. I asked what relevance they would have to the leg pain and she said none.

I've got to wait until next week for the other blood test to come back about the vitamin D.

For now however, I am stuck on the blood clot thoughts again. Absolutely terrified.

I am in no way at risk, I am not on the pill, I don't smoke, not overweight - I'm 5'3 and weigh around 47kg. I do work in an office so I am sat still for most of the day, but I walk to work every day to keep myself more active than I could be.

I'm bloody scared and fed up. My mind will not shut off at all about this :( I don't really know what to do next without sending myself completely crazy and everyone around me. This is the worst relapse I've had in ages.

Let's be logical here. If you had a clot, the area would be red, swollen and warm to the touch. If there was a concern about a clot or vein issue you would have been sent for a doppler scan to check your legs/veins. I tell you this as someone whom actually is at risk of a clot due to compressed vein and concerns over possible clot.

04-01-19, 16:11
I am in no way at risk, I am not on the pill, I don't smoke, not overweight - I'm 5'3 and weigh around 47kg. I do work in an office so I am sat still for most of the day, but I walk to work every day to keep myself more active than I could be.


Best reassurance is your own reassurance. Read what you wrote above again and again. Focus on your anxiety, not symptoms, and stop punishing yourself. This is a blip and will pass if you stop feeding the HA beast with worst outcome stories.

04-01-19, 17:10
Let's be logical here. If you had a clot, the area would be red, swollen and warm to the touch. If there was a concern about a clot or vein issue you would have been sent for a doppler scan to check your legs/veins. I tell you this as someone whom actually is at risk of a clot due to compressed vein and concerns over possible clot.

I know, I know all these things which is why I wish my mind would just shut up for a second to let me breathe and remember the reality of it all.

---------- Post added at 17:10 ---------- Previous post was at 17:09 ----------

Best reassurance is your own reassurance. Read what you wrote above again and again. Focus on your anxiety, not symptoms, and stop punishing yourself. This is a blip and will pass if you stop feeding the HA beast with worst outcome stories.

I will do, I will read it again and when I doubt myself and everything else.

I know :( blips are horrible, they feel never ending which is the feeling I hate the most. Just trying to ride it out as best as I can

05-01-19, 01:29
Maybe someone can help me help myself out my legs have been achy for 2 days now .... I have recently been back and forth to the doctor and had blood test that show nothing I’m freaking out if you read my last few threads you’ll see I’ve been going threw it is this another anxiety symptoms

05-01-19, 18:09
Maybe someone can help me help myself out my legs have been achy for 2 days now .... I have recently been back and forth to the doctor and had blood test that show nothing I’m freaking out if you read my last few threads you’ll see I’ve been going threw it is this another anxiety symptoms

I’m sorry you’re feeling this way and going through this :(

It’s very hard to break the bad thoughts, I’m in the same boat as you right now and wish I could help.

---------- Post added at 18:09 ---------- Previous post was at 18:07 ----------

Another little update -

As the doctor suspected I had very low vitamin d levels, was prescribed supplements to take weekly for 6 weeks and will have it chcked again.

My leg has been in real pain all day again and my hearts been racing and I’ve found it hard to catch my breath. - of course the bad side is screaming that the blood clot has gone to my lungs, the other side is screaming anxiety. It’s getting pretty loud up here!

I do always find it comforting to talk on here, I just don’t feel alone. But wish it would all stop, I don’t want another week to begin but still be scared of this blood clot thing. It’s been 2 weeks!!!

07-01-19, 10:16
And a new symptom appears...brain zaps/body zaps/electric feelings.

My mind freaked out about these, although I know in my heart it's anxiety, my nervous system must be absolutely messed up after the 2 weeks of stress I've put on it about this non-existent blood clot.

I woke up today thinking 'let's just go to a&e and get sorted' - but I just stopped myself, the bad part of my mind is screeeeaaamming at me but I am trying to make it stop. I just want to get through this day without giving in like I have been doing.

Does anyone else experience body/brain zaps? they're a scary symptom for sure!

07-01-19, 11:17
Does anyone else experience body/brain zaps?

Do a search. VERY common symptom.

Positive thoughts

07-01-19, 11:28
Do a search. VERY common symptom.

Positive thoughts

I have done, yeah, which is why I am pushing myself towards the anxiety side of things in my head.

It's weird, almost having 2 people speaking in your head, the one that is trying so badly to get me to go to the hospital or whatever and then me, trying to be rational. It is exhausting.

07-01-19, 22:43
The brain zaps have continued all evening, very unsettling and scary. Almost feels like I could faint or have a seizure. I broke down to my friend who was with me almost begging to take me to a&e and my mum came upstairs and had a good talk to me to settle me down.

I feel so vulnerable, almost like I’m a child again and not a 23 year old woman.

This is what anxiety does to me though, makes me feel so small and helpless.

I’m hoping a good sleep will help and a more positive mind set will help. These brain zaps are only something I’ve really experienced when withdrawing from meds so it’s all quite weird and unusual to just be having them at this time.

I’m sorry I keep posting a lot! Just finding it helpful to put all of these things out there for me to look at if I’m struggling again

07-01-19, 23:14
Hi oxoShannon

Just wanted to let you know I have been there and know exactly how you feel!

It’s horrible isn’t it! I had them same symptom with the painful calf - stupidly googled and found myself in a compete state of Panic that a clot was already making its way to my lungs

I was a mess honestly - I also have high blood pressure which did not help my case

This lasted for 10 days of suffering in silence before I took myself to the doctors

My legs were also measured and the sore one was slightly bigger - I got the the D Dimer test done and funnily enough no clot

That night was the first I had slept in ages and guess what the pain went away

I honestly could not believe how much anxiety had controlled my brain and heightened my symptoms

I hope this passes for you soon and you can move on as it’s a horrible feeling to live with x

07-01-19, 23:38
Hi oxoShannon

Just wanted to let you know I have been there and know exactly how you feel!

It’s horrible isn’t it! I had them same symptom with the painful calf - stupidly googled and found myself in a compete state of Panic that a clot was already making its way to my lungs

I was a mess honestly - I also have high blood pressure which did not help my case

This lasted for 10 days of suffering in silence before I took myself to the doctors

My legs were also measured and the sore one was slightly bigger - I got the the D Dimer test done and funnily enough no clot

That night was the first I had slept in ages and guess what the pain went away

I honestly could not believe how much anxiety had controlled my brain and heightened my symptoms

I hope this passes for you soon and you can move on as it’s a horrible feeling to live with x


So sorry to hear you’ve been going through it too :( but pleased to hear you’re doing better! that’s great, well done!

I’m sure I’ll be okay, right now it doesn’t feel possible. Especially with the brain zap feelings, they’re horrendous. The amount of stress ive put myself through though there’s no surprise I’m getting them.

My legs keep feeling funny on and off but no where near like they were. Just up and down! I have two tattoos tomorrow on each calf which I’ve been worrying about, thinking the tattoo will set off something in my legs which has been painful and kill me. But I don’t want the anxiety to stop me doing something I’ve been so excited for! It’s a hard thing to deal with.

Just hoping tomorrow will be a better day!

08-01-19, 12:37
MS has become my concern now since the brain zaps started.

As you can tell I’m deep in my anxiety hole by jumping through different illnesses in the space of a few days.

I’ve looked MS up and yeah looks like I tick off a bunch of symptoms but they’re also similar to anxiety. BUT ALSO, MS actually affects only 100,000 people in the uk. 2.5 million worldwide, that’s not a lot in the grand scheme of the size of the planet.

I am not special enough to be one of those because my minds told me so I must remember that.

08-01-19, 17:32
sooooo my saga continues, but in an okay way.

Went to discuss my vitamin d levels with my nurse today, she said they were 24 and this was very low. Lower than when they were last tested in 2016 so they’ve probably just declined and declined. Which is why I’ve felt so poorly, makes sense.

She helps me a lot.

I mentioned the brain zaps and the sudden fear of MS, she had no concerns and says she quietly confident that everything I’m feeling is due to my vitamin levels.

So there we go, that’s what I’ve got to go on for now. I’m trying to treat it in a way I treated myself when I had iron deficiency and severe anaemia when I was younger. In my 13 year old, pre health anxiety head that’s all it was. I went to my doctors appointments, had the blood tests, took the tablets, took the time I needed to rest and recover and had a blood transfusion all while realising this is all it was. I’m going to try and do the same here, take my supplements for vitamin d, go for follow up blood tests and rest and take the relevant action.

Yeah, the health anxiety thoughts will pop up. But for now I have to focus on the vitamin d, that’s the problem which has been discovered. No other concerns by the medical professionals. Time to look after myself.

11-01-19, 23:51
Hiiiii, it’s been a few days but I’m still getting these body zaps and muscle twitches. The thoughts of MS is still very prominent in my head. I hate that I’ve gone from blood clots to MS, it’s annoyed me a lot.

I can’t get it out of my head though, I know I’m very much focusing on the twitching and what not but god I’m scared

17-01-19, 00:24
I was doing good for a few days, calm, no worries.

Leg discomfort is back, the past few days I’ve had funny eyes - one was twitchy and ever since I’ve just felt unfocused. The electric zaps have tapered away but now the leg pain is back.

MS is quite clearly on my mind and I just want to cling on to feeling okay but it feels impossible with this fear looming over me :(

If anyone has any advice on MS anxiety that would be great...