View Full Version : Insomnia!!

29-12-18, 09:19
Had insomnia for 3 weeks now, its caused my anxiety to go through the roof. Or....has my anxiety caused the insomnia?!
I spend most days in a state of high alert. I cannot seem to get to sleep, if i do im awake at 2 or 3.
Got some pills from Doctors but they run out in a day or so. Got some blood tests too.
The strange thing is, i just dont feel tired...at all. Even during the day. Its like im wired to a duracell battery.
Im 41 (in a few days) and its possibly hormonal.
But im wondering what else to do?!

29-12-18, 10:22
Oh Sarah, its hormonnnneeessssss again I reckon. I know we are following each other round these threads about such things, and have spoken before.....read up about perimenopause. When I have insomina in this 'stage of life' it is like you describe, I am awake and WIDE AWAKE and ready to 'do things'. It is different to not being able to sleep in other times in life. Sometimes now I get up for a couple of hours in the middle of the night :weep: I am buzzing too, but often manage to get a few more hours later in the night. The blood test with show if there is something odd, like thyroid function affecting your sleep pattern, in my case it wasn't, and you will see threads I've also started on here about insomnia.

30-12-18, 08:51
Hi!! Aaah damn hormones.
I am presuming this is the case yes...!!
Please remove my hormones!!!!!

30-12-18, 10:27
Personally I would not take ambien, and I find it odd that a Doctor would hand it out so readily.

Insomnia is an extremely common symptom among those with anxiety. I suffered with it for about 6 months where I found it impossible to sleep more than 2 hours at a time. I was like the walking dead.

30-12-18, 10:29
I'm 41 and I really struggle to get back to sleep if I wake after 3am or so. GP reckons depression is a factor, but I don't think hormones help as it's always worse during PMS week/fortnight.

I usually grab my phone (it has a blue light filter) and play games for an hour or so - easier that way than trying to fight the insomnia and letting the anxiety get a grip in the process.

30-12-18, 11:08
I'm 41 and I really struggle to get back to sleep if I wake after 3am or so. GP reckons depression is a factor, but I don't think hormones help as it's always worse during PMS week/fortnight.

I usually grab my phone (it has a blue light filter) and play games for an hour or so - easier that way than trying to fight the insomnia and letting the anxiety get a grip in the process.

This is me, and exactly what I do too.

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30-12-18, 11:28
Horrible, isn't it? I tend to get really nervy when it happens on a work night.