View Full Version : Banged my head days ago

29-12-18, 18:06
And now I’m unbelievably anxious. I banked my head whilst out on Boxing Day it didn’t feel massively painful and I didn’t have no immediate symptoms afterwards but I’ve been in bed for two days just feeling the worst is going to happen. Today I woke up with a sore throat and blocked nose (I had some blood in my nose. I had a fairly late night boxi day so been sleeping a lot but have had no motivation. I was worried about the small blood But I have been blowing quite hard because it feels blocked) I’m worried that it’s some delayed thing and something bad is going to happen. I’ve not got headaches just like a tension one that’s came and gone, no vomiting and I’m eating a drinking okay but have anxiety nausea today only. I go to New York in a few days and I’m worried I’m not going to make it. I’m worried something bad is imminent and thus my anxiety is the worst it’s been for over a year.

---------- Post added at 18:06 ---------- Previous post was at 17:55 ----------

Oh and there isn’t pain where I banged it I am just convinced it’s sinister. I’ve been super fine with my HA and now I am freaking out. My pupils are okay and they’re reacting as normal and I’m walking in a straight line. Today I went to town and got my nails done but wasn’t myself at all. Eugh.

29-12-18, 18:37
Sounds like you will be just fine to be honest.

29-12-18, 18:42
I know I sound ridiculous but it’s just awful feeling like it’s a wait. I’m trying to rationalise but it’s so hard. I’ve been taking Sudafed today as my throat and face hurts and I feel like a tight band is around my head which is hurting. It’s the classic obsessing over things like my pupils, obsessing if I’m walking funny. My friend told me I’m pretty certain I’d know by now if it were something bad but I’m still sat here playing Memory games. Jeeze.

29-12-18, 21:29
Oh hun, head bangs are the worst for causing anxiety. Let’s look at the positives, you haven’t been sick, you don’t have a servers headache, your past the 24 hour watch mark, there is no swelling/bruising, you don’t have double vision, your aren’t dizzy, you didn’t lose consciousness. The only people that the drs worry about with a minor head injury is people that are on blood thinning medication which I’m assuming you’re not. Our heads are a lot tougher than we think they are. As you don’t have any symptoms that would suggest concussion or anything worse I’m pretty sure you will be absolutely fine. Try and relax hun, I know it’s eiser said then done xx

30-12-18, 11:00
Thank you. i know it’s ridiculous but because I’ve been feeling off since I keep connecting it. I was sick the evening of but id slept all day and was sick after over indulging which happens every time I drink alcohol. I hadn’t been sick since and when I was sick I didn’t have any headache or associated symptoms. I just feel really off like not quite with it which I’ve had before I’m just struggling to rationalise it. I’ve got no lumps or anything on my head no pain or anything I’m just convinced it’s some sort of delayed thing. Eugh. Hope it passes before my trip next week.

---------- Post added at 11:00 ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 ----------

Oh and no I’m not on any blood thinning medication either :) x

30-12-18, 16:18
Hospitals only worry if your continuously sick more than 3 times normally. You feel out of it and not right because your worried and have anxiety. Our minds are very powerful. Try and relax hun xx

30-12-18, 17:52
Yeah I thought that I was quite sick but it was for a feeble hours and like 12 hours later but again it’s the same every time I drink alcohol and I hadn’t been sick since then. It’s just so crap I’m
Like please can I just go back to normal, which I know doesn’t help. I spoke to my friend who was with me when I banged my head and he said I was completely fine afterwards and nothing concerning and it was a knock rather than a blow. Any good techniques welcome

31-12-18, 12:36
So it’s been almost 5 days and I’m still freaking out. I rang 111 and I’m getting a call back I feel stupid for calling them but I can’t get rid of this brain fog. I’m just in a constant state of panic. Only headache I’ve had is tension which went with pain relief, I’ve got a cold and a rough chest now so I’m trying to think it’s a head cold. As I type this my neck feels tense. I’m so sorry. I’m usually much better at rationalising. My friend said I was fine after I fell over and said ‘absolutely fine’ I’m just freaking out as I’d had a drink and maybe me drinking wasn’t the cause of feeling weird maybe it was my head. I’ve not had any other symptoms since, just this fear of something bad and not feeling with it at all. I’m not confused though I know where I am etc.