View Full Version : White patch inside mouth? Help!

29-12-18, 17:58
Hi everyone I’m back here again and so annoyed with myself. This time I’m worried about a white patch in the inside of my cheek. I don’t know if it is normal and has always been there or if it is something cancerous. Please check out my photo and give your thoughts. Thank you


29-12-18, 18:38
We don't encourage people to upload pictures and ask for a diagnosis.

I had a look but can't see anything.

If you are worried see a dentist.

29-12-18, 20:40
Its entirely blurred, can't see it anyway.

29-12-18, 23:39
Oral friction hyperkeratosis. 50% of the population have it inside their cheeks. It is due to teeth rubbing or smoking. Normal.

30-12-18, 08:02
I can’t see anything. Do you see your dentist regularly? I’m sure she or he will be happy to check it out if you are worried....

30-12-18, 12:57
Posted wrong photo. My next checkup Isn’t until March. I didn’t have it at my last checkup


30-12-18, 13:12
No one here can diagnose via photo and Nic mentioned that earlier. Just based on your post history (I'm not going to look at your mouth cave photos) I would think this is just another example of self-examination and finding something normal to worry about. Even if you had 20 replies telling you it looked like nothing, would that really quell your fear? While I'm not one for paid reassurance, if you're that concerned, see a doctor or dentist.

Positive thoughts

30-12-18, 16:39
Yes I know you are probably correct fishmanpa. I’ve been doing well recently with HA and I think that’s the issue lol I’m waiting for something to go wrong because I hadn’t been this anxiety free for so long before.

I honestly hope it’s nothing I guess if it is something it will get worse and I will be able to tell that way. I’m sure I’ve seen it there before but I can’t say so 100% that’s why I’m unsure as to whether it’s apart of my normal inner cheek or not. I don’t want to run to the doctor because I’m not supposed to. I do have a phone call with my doctor on the 16th I guess if I’m still worried I could mention to it her then.

I don’t want to get back into the ha spiral again. I’m worried but I’m not allowing myself to curl up in a ball and stop living like I used to. I’m carrying on regardless.

30-12-18, 20:57
It looks completely completely fine to me. Just wondering how you found it?

30-12-18, 21:17
It looks completely completely fine to me. Just wondering how you found it?

I was checking my gum because the gum around my wisdom tooth is inflamed and sore. Then i noticed it and because I’ve done so much reading on different cancers in the past I remembers white patches can be a sign of oral cancer so my mind went into overdrive even though I know it doesn’t even look like mouth cancer from what I’ve seen on google. Stupid health anxiety mind :(

30-12-18, 21:22
Yep. Your last sentence!!
It doesn’t look anything like the mouth cancers I’ve seen on google either. It is certainly a case of your anxiety brain running away with itself!

31-12-18, 17:45

I had a white patch in my mouth and I went to the dentist and he said it’s oral lichen planus, long story short I had to get a biopsy done to confirm it and it was indeed that and wasn’t cancerous ( though it now has to be monitored every 6 months )

Best to get a oral surgeon to have a look and put your mind to ease ,

All the best