View Full Version : Controlling anxiety during flu season?

29-12-18, 20:18
I am a big germaphobe and am really scared of the flu because it’s common but deadly. It’s preventing me from going outside and I get a ton of anxiety on public transport. Does anyone feel similar or have any advice?

29-12-18, 20:29
You have had lots of advice on this topic before, last winter and also on a thread the other month about a guy who sneezed on public transport and you asked 'would you get the flu'. You also, according to your own thread last March, actually did have flu yourself - and survived just fine! So, I guess what I'm saying is, have you re-read those threads as the same advice or comments will apply and if you re-read them you can reassure yourself? NO, I don't feel the same way, and I don't avoid situations due to fear of flu.

29-12-18, 20:30
Can you get a flu jab?

29-12-18, 21:18
flu because it’s common but deadly.

I’m positive that you’ve spent plenty of time Googling the subject. From that research, I’m certain that you know that it’s generally only deadly in infants and the elderly. Therefore, you’re irrationally cherry picking information to justify your fears. Anxiety 101.
My advice: Get over it.

29-12-18, 21:39
I’m afraid there isn’t much we can do about the flu unless you get a flu jb. I work in the nhs and haven’t managed to have it yet as there is a shortage, I’m surrounded by sick people all the time. It’s often the elderly, very young or people with a compromised immune system that flu can be deadly. Try not to worry about something that you may never catch xx

29-12-18, 22:14
Not using language like 'it's deadly' will probably help, because for 99.9% of people it's not. Self hype can be powerful.

So pretty much what AMomentofClarity said.