View Full Version : blood in spit

30-12-18, 12:08
ok so TMI post... think I need to head back to the docs. having a really hard time with the blood in my spit and it's pulling me right down. I don't think that's from my lungs as I don't actually cough it up, when I cough up phlegm it's clear completely.. I think it's from my nose or throat. I've always got a bit of a stuffy nose. doctor reckoned 2 weeks ago it's rhinitis sinusitis as my nose was a bit inflamed and gave me a steroid nose spray which hasn't made a blind bit of difference and when I looked online I don't have any pain symptoms etc (I only googled once she told me what I had and not googled anything else) and I feel like I'm getting fobbed off left right and centre. had a chest xray a few months ago which was totally clear. today there is loads of blood in my spit again and it's really getting me down. I keep invisaging that I've got some horrible cancer and I'm going to leave my two little baby's behind and I'm getting myself in a right blooming state today. it's deffo not from my teeth dentist said they are perfect but this is so bloody scary for me and I'm getting myself in a right state xx

30-12-18, 12:37
I woke up this morning with the same thing! Absolutely disgusting, my mouth was filled with bloody mucus. I get this occasionally, as I have gingivitis which seems to come and go.

Clench your teeth and with your mouth shut, try to "draw" your jaw like you would if you had a cigarette in your mouth (if that makes sense?) Does this result in blood appearing in your mouth, or a bad taste? That would say its coming from your gums.

Good luck

30-12-18, 12:57
thanks just tried that, but no blood. tbh the amount seems more that what gums would bring and it goes on throughout the day x

bin tenn
30-12-18, 20:35
The gums can absolutely bring a surprising amount of blood! Like RadioGaGa, I've had a very similar issue due to gingivitis. It rarely happens anymore after some dental work, but still does from time to time. When it first started a few years ago, I couldn't do so much as eat hard foods without blood seemingly filling my mouth. Same if I sucked on candy. Or when I would wake up, I'd have a big blood spot on my pillow.

30-12-18, 22:06
Hey I really sympathise. A few months back I posted basically saying the exact same thing as you!! It’s VERY scary. It’s not happened to me since the beginning of Oct. prior to this it would sometimes be once a week sometimes once every three weeks. My dentist too said my teeth/gums were fine. I’ve had a couple of chest X-rays and a CT scan as well as a camera passed up both nostrils and down to the back of my throat and nothing found regarding the blood. I’m a mum and when I used to notice this blood I was instantly go in to panic mode. It’s not a nice feeling. Here if you need a chat

31-12-18, 00:04
Lack of vitamin C can cause bleeding gums

31-12-18, 13:07
thanks everybody, pulled myself together a little and will carry on with the spray for a couple more weeks and see how we get on. hopefully it'l disappear and if not will go back and get further investigations. thank you mumzy that's reassuring that nothing came of it. so scary when you have little ones isn't it. as for the vitamin c i have some dissolvable tablets so will start taking one of these a day, but I really don't think it is my gums. wo t hurt trying them will it x

04-01-19, 20:13
more blood today on a few occasions. I get my head straight, a couple of days ok ish and it starts again. why is this happening. 99% certain it's my nose as still not when I cough phlegm but that 1% worry it's my lungs is scaring me so much!

22-01-19, 22:31
this is still.going on. all the time. it's ruining my life at the minute all my thoughts are consumed by it and I'm always checking my spit. disgusting I know. I need to book another doctors appt but I never seem to get anywhere i. so scar3d by it all ������