View Full Version : I want it to stop

31-12-18, 17:09
I am deeply afraid of getting any sort of stomach bug. When a few of my family members started getting it, (aunts, uncles) I avoided hugging them at Christmas. My sister came home Friday night and got sick, was fine the next day, and then that night got sick again. I haven’t really been around her or hugged her at all. But I’m still freaking out. By now maybe I’m fine? But I think this is all anxiety. I started having chills and shivering, my hands have been sweating since I found out, and I just feel panicked overall. I’m trying to relax but it’s like I keep waiting for my stomach to hurt, my body doesn’t feel hungry because I’m so worried. How can I stop worrying about this? Can your body really make you feel sick from anxiety? My stomach doesn’t hurt..

31-12-18, 17:14
Yes absolutely your body can feel sick from anxiety.

As I work in a hospital, I have had the 'winter bug' a few times, and when it hits you, it hits you like a ton of sh*t (pun intended). It's not really a "hmmmm am I coming down with something?" moment.

But, to be honest, despite our best efforts, we sometimes can't avoid getting these things.

My advice for you is really just:
* Practice good hand hygiene (incorporate the 7 step technique!)
* Get all affected family members to do the same
* Use bleach on toilet surfaces after its been used by a person with symptoms
* Common sense approach - don't share cutlery etc with infected persons

Aside from that, there's not really much more you can do.

Good luck

01-01-19, 08:13
I've had emetophobia (fear of vomit/vomiting) since I was a kid and yes anxiety can 100% make you feel ill, especially if there are certain feelings/symptoms you're expecting yourself to get, when my emet was really bad I would feel sick nearly every day and got to the point where I was even gagging/dry heaving, I went to therapy and it really helped a lot in learning to recognize the anxiety symptoms and combat them. I rarely experience the more severe emet anxiety symptoms (gagging, diarrhea etc) these days.

Despite being emet I've had stomach bugs quite a few times and I agree with RadioGaga when you do truly have it you know if you're here typing this its more than likely anxiety.

01-01-19, 08:45
Ask yourself, what would be the absolute worst case scenario if you caught a stomach bug?

01-01-19, 11:51
Ask yourself, what would be the absolute worst case scenario if you caught a stomach bug?


At some point you ARE going to get it, you'll feel crappy for a few days and then you'll get better. So what? :shrug:

01-01-19, 12:56

At some point you ARE going to get it, you'll feel crappy for a few days and then you'll get better. So what? :shrug:

As an Emetophobe I so wish I could take this mindset! Maybe one day I’ll get there!

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