View Full Version : Woke up today with a bloodshot eye and straight it away that set me off!

31-12-18, 20:19
I don't know what's wrong with me. I had some issues with my eyes a few weeks ago after & during a spell of anxiety/mild panic attacks/stress. My eyes hurt a little, I would get pain on my temples, between the eyes and around the cheekbones. I gathered it was anxiety as I've experienced similar before. I went to the doctors and he put my mind at rest.

Anyway, not had any problems and then this morning I woke up with a bloodshot eye, just one, on the right side and it's been there all day. It looked better earlier, but still there.

It's set me off into a worry about my eyes and got my hypochondria going again. The thing is, I constantly to ignore the stress/anxiety I've been going through in personal life, and also lack of sleep I've been getting.

I'm pretty sure I have had this before with my eye/s, so it isn't anything new. I don't know why I have to worry so much over every little physical issue.

31-12-18, 21:43
This is classic health anxiety.

You had issues with your eyes and now you’re hyper fixated on them. Any pain, ache etc.

I suffer here and there with quite intense dull aches behind my right eye. Without going into details it’s nothing and just one of those things. Just one eye.

My eyes currently are bloodshot to hell. My left more than my right. You can thank my 18 month old daughter who has suddenly decided she doesn’t like to sleep anymore. They’re always bloodshot in fact. We all could suffer with one bloodshot eye but because we’re not looking at it we don’t notice.

Ever get something in just one eye that itches like hell? Same thing.

Before my HA I actually got a subconjuctival haemorrhage in one eye. Google it, they’re very frightening but absolutely harmless. I had a right to freak out why it only happened in one eye.

You’re worrying about nothing. Look into meditating

31-12-18, 22:15
This is classic health anxiety.

You had issues with your eyes and now you’re hyper fixated on them. Any pain, ache etc.

I suffer here and there with quite intense dull aches behind my right eye. Without going into details it’s nothing and just one of those things. Just one eye.

My eyes currently are bloodshot to hell. My left more than my right. You can thank my 18 month old daughter who has suddenly decided she doesn’t like to sleep anymore. They’re always bloodshot in fact. We all could suffer with one bloodshot eye but because we’re not looking at it we don’t notice.

Ever get something in just one eye that itches like hell? Same thing.

Before my HA I actually got a subconjuctival haemorrhage in one eye. Google it, they’re very frightening but absolutely harmless. I had a right to freak out why it only happened in one eye.

You’re worrying about nothing. Look into meditating

Hi Ben, thanks for responding. Yeah, i've also had the ache you describe behind the eye. You start thinking you're gonna go blind or something, then I see an advert on t.v about guide dogs and it sets me off :shrug: I think I need to go hike to the highest mountain and live in isolation for a while. Actually, thinking about it that would probably not be a good idea for an anxiety sufferer :roflmao: especially one with HA lol.

I can't comment on having a young child like yourself, but that must definitely affect your sleep pattern. Must be nice to have that company of your daughter when your health anxiety comes on strong though. Even if she can't understand or converse with you haha.

I might have to look into meditation. Sometimes my head is so full with stuff, I struggle to concentrate. Do you meditate? If so, has it helped you?

31-12-18, 22:33
Actually no. She causes me to be more anxious as I would worry about being there for her etc.

But yes it helps. Anxietyjoe recommended it to me and it’s great. Download the headspace app and do the basics classes for free. If you like it and decide to subscribe there’s a whole anxiety dedicated meditation course on there too