View Full Version : 4 months and still fretting slightly

01-01-19, 09:24
Morning all and happy new year,

So for 4 months I have been fretting over a slight indent I’m my left boob, which has a bunch of stretchmarks under it, I know it’s been there longer, as I’ve seen it before but it didn’t bother me, until my ha kicked off again, I’m a lot better than I was, but I’m finding it hard to let go, I still check once a day which is good considering I was checking about 20 times a day, it hasn’t changed, I have no other symptoms, would it have got deeper in 4 months, I just need to let go of this, as my mother in law who is 77 has just been diagnosed with lung cancer, so I need to support my husband, he dosnt need me banging on about something that’s probably just my ha, I wondered if anyone else found the last part of ha recovery the longest, I just want to forget about this stupid dent xxx

01-01-19, 10:23
What is it you’re actually worried about? Cancer? The way it looks?

01-01-19, 10:40

01-01-19, 11:26
NHS link:

I think you have a choice. You either write that particular dent off and assume you always had it or take it to a GP for an opinion.

If it was me I'd book a non-urgent appointment with my GP and talk to them about it.

I recently had an ultrasound which detected 2 hernias and a lump on my testicle. The lump is a cyst which they say is benign.

I've also got a couple of other lumps on my chest. One is painful when poked gently but harmless, the other I had checked out about 4 years ago and is hopefully still harmless, but when checked they said I had a fatty liver.

I know cancer is a big worry but try not to make that leap too quickly. Good luck!

01-01-19, 11:38
Well Herbie, of COURSE it would have changed in 4 months, cancer does. I know, as I've seen changes. Its nothing, forget it, its a normal part of you.

Re-read your thread, it contains all the replies you need to reassure yourself. :)


01-01-19, 11:46
Thank you carys, I’m definitely going to stop worrying about it, and thank you to everyone else who replied, I hope everyone gets some time off from ha this year xxx