View Full Version : New Year anxiety / depression

01-01-19, 09:59
Does anyone else find Christmas / New Years really difficult? I tend to get really down this time of year and can't figure out why.

I do suffer from anxiety and depression and most of the time I am fine with no problem, probably because I am working and mostly busy, when holidays come so does my problems.

The Christmas I was fine up until Christmas day when the low mood set it and its remained since. This morning New Year's days is the worst I've felt in a while, rather than feeling joyous for the New Year I feel really low, add to that holidays all over, weather is crap, damn all to look forward to for months. Meh. Just back from a 5k run hoping that would help but it hasn't. I'm just stuck in a funk. Anyone else like this?

01-01-19, 11:57
The Christmas holiday is a break of routine for most people, and the brain likes routine. That's often enough to cause a change in mood. You also tend to eat more bad food and drink more booze, both are very significant causes of reduced mood.

Just let it be, it won't be like this forever. The funk will pass.

01-01-19, 12:01
The Christmas holiday is a break of routine for most people, and the brain likes routine. That's often enough to cause a change in mood. You also tend to eat more bad food and drink more booze, both are very significant causes of reduced mood.

Just let it be, it won't be like this forever. The funk will pass.

Hopefully. I actually had a sober Christmas and New Years this year thinking it would help this funk as I knew it would come, didn't help in the slightest, might as well have got drunk.

01-01-19, 12:07
You'd probably feel worse if you got drunk. :shrug:

01-01-19, 12:44
This Christmas and New Year has been the worst for me in a few years. I feel so low and anxious - my note to self is try not to beat myself up that I feel this way and listen to my body - cry/rest/walk when I need to and try not to add panic to already jangled nerves. Hope your 'funk' lifts soon.

01-01-19, 13:59
Christmas and New Year are not good. Everyone is expected to be happy and have the most fabulous time, a myth spread by TV and cosy adverts....well except for East Enders, no one is allowed a happy Christmas on there :)

You will feel better when you get back to work and your normal routine kicks in. Anxiety hates change.

01-01-19, 17:20
My local sports centre put some virtual fitness classes on over the Festive period. Saved my sanity !

01-01-19, 18:21
Oh for sure, this time of year is probably my worst. I see these 12 long months stretching in front of me after my anxiety switches from Christmas to something new. It will get better once normal weeks and weekends return. Not knowing what day it is, that's a trigger for me.

02-01-19, 12:45
Definitely, I am havinga tough time at the moment coupled with heavy drinking over the break and regrettable actions!

Back to work today which I thought would settle me but anxiety is still sky high. Maybe it will take a while to get back into a routine.

I think also, the end of the year signifies reflection and what you have achieved in the year - or lack of achievement in my case!

02-01-19, 13:56
Yeah, it unfortunately doesn't turn off like a switch even after normal activity is resumed.
its going to take a while but it will pass.