View Full Version : Can you get Chicken Pox more than once?

01-09-07, 00:08
Hi Everyone

Can you get chicken pox more than once?

I ask this because my nephew has got chicken pox at the moment, and I had chicken pox when I was a child. Many Thanks in advance for your experiences, etc.


01-09-07, 00:48
Both my kids had Pocs last year but only a weak dose and then the day before we went on Holiday this year they had a full outbreak!!
So yes, I suppose you can!!


01-09-07, 01:26
Chicken pox (Varicella) is a highly communicable viral disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Varicella is a member of the herpes family, and, like all herpes viruses, stays in the body for life once acquired. It is uncommon to get chicken pox more than once. For most people, one infection confers lifelong immunity.

Looked it up :)

01-09-07, 12:47
hi shy

i think it is right what danielle has sead if you dont get many spots the first time then you have a chance of getting it agane .
i have never had it i have had a blood test to see if i have andit came back as i hadnt but my little girl had it and still i didnt catch it:shrug: i was so scared as i think it is worse at my age thnk god i didnt get it lol

jodie xx

01-09-07, 13:59

I think I am right in saying if you don't get it then you are more than likely a carrier which means you won't. You might like to verify that but I think its right

01-09-07, 17:04
start ii do hope i am a carrier lol i am 30 this month lol to old to get it l

jo x

01-09-07, 17:36
My sister had a light dose and then when the other 3 of us had them she got them again, this time a full dose of them. My poor mom 4 kids with chicken pox, can you imagine!

Laura xxx

01-09-07, 18:08
Hey Jodie,
I got Flu like symptons when my Boys had it...Doctor said it was like Shingles but not! You don't get Chicken Pox past a certain age, just shingles...which hurts loads and kills old people...We think Chicken Pox is nothing but really it can be so bad!


01-09-07, 19:34
Hi Jo, like the others I think it is possible to get it twice if you only had it mildly first time. I took chickenpox for the first time when I was 30 (after all three of my kids had it) and it was not nice....I was so scary looking I'm surprised the kids werent psychologically damaged lol! So I really hope you dont get it.

luv Coni XX

20-12-08, 12:31
hey shy,

it depends on how your immune system is to them.. i am living proof that you can get them more than once... i have had them three time and went to the doctor and he said that i can keep getting them and they will get worse... i have no tolorance to them so when i am around them i will catch them... it really all depends on how you immune system is... it is very rare to get them more than once.. but there is a few people out there like me that can get them as many times as they are around them.

20-12-08, 13:08
I have had chicken pox and german measles but never had measles even though when I was around ten years old I helped to look after my nephew who was two at the time and covered in them.:unsure: My seven year old has never had chicken pox even though they have been round school and nursery every year she just seems immune to them.:shrug: My eldest two who are nearly 18 and nearly 17 had them when they were three and two - my son caught them at nursery school and then gave them to my daughter two weeks later.:whistles:

20-12-08, 22:53
If you had it as a child then you probably won't get it as an adult. Although the virus might be transmitted to you from your nephew, if you've already had the virus then your immune system will already have antibodies to deal with it, so you should have no symptoms or just very mild symptoms.

Since most people have chicken pox in childhood, they don't get sick from it in adulthood. If you didn't have it when you were a child then you could get sick from it now.

Shingles is the reactivation of the dormant chicken pox virus but can't be caught from other people.