View Full Version : Afraid of drug poisoning

02-01-19, 02:53
Okay so this may seem like a weird post but ever since I constantly hear of people overdosing on herion and Fentanyl with the opioid crisis I am basically terrified to touch anything in public. I saw that the tiniest grain of Fentanyl could basically kill you so I am so afraid to accidentally ingest it in some way. About an hour ago I was eating a sandwhich I purchased from McDonald’s (bad I know) but there was a hard, grainy substance in it that I have never tasted and I am afraid it could be herion or Fentanyl or something that could poison me or kill me. I know this sound crazy but I’m panicking thinking about it and I feel like I’m getting a little dizzy and I have a weird taste in my mouth

02-01-19, 03:18
Okay so this may seem like a weird post but ever since I constantly hear of people overdosing on herion and Fentanyl with the opioid crisis I am basically terrified to touch anything in public. I saw that the tiniest grain of Fentanyl could basically kill you so I am so afraid to accidentally ingest it in some way. About an hour ago I was eating a sandwhich I purchased from McDonald’s (bad I know) but there was a hard, grainy substance in it that I have never tasted and I am afraid it could be herion or Fentanyl or something that could poison me or kill me. I know this sound crazy but I’m panicking thinking about it and I feel like I’m getting a little dizzy and I have a weird taste in my mouth

There is no way there is opioid in your McDonald's sandwich. I totally believe there was a hard grainy substance in it, but trust me, it was just plain old fashioned dirt, or some part of the cow you don't want to contemplate. Yuck!

02-01-19, 18:44
:huh: Diamorphine, Fentanyl or some other narcotic in your McDonald's?

No way. Just no.

Drug addicts simply wouldn't be so careless. In the UK, people who are put on methadone for withdrawal from opiates prove this beyond doubt.

Patient A comes in to get his daily methadone dose. He swallows it in front of the pharmacist and immediately leaves. What does he do next? He vomits it back up into a container and sells this on to another addict. Yeah, it's hard to believe, but it happens.

They'll even abuse imodium (loperamide) by taking 300+ capsules as a single dose.

Another thing they'll do is get several fentanyl patches and chew on them to get high.

I have so many different examples of how they do this, but we'd be here alllll day and night.

Anyway, my point is, let's say the McDonald's employee making your burger was indeed a diamorphine/fentanyl addict, and he/she dropped this into the burger, he or she would have eaten your burger themselves!! So yeah, this just doesn't happen.

So no, move on from this swiftly and instantly, you're fine!!!

Good luck

02-01-19, 19:05
People who are addicted to opiods do not let a single grain of it loose anywhere. To them it is gold dust. They'd know if they dropped a single grain of it, and lick it off a public toilet seat if necessary.