View Full Version : It's been a while

02-01-19, 11:23
Hi everyone, just wanted to post what's been going on with me,

Since having my baby girl I've been left with health problem after health problem, which has obviously contributed to my health anxiety. I've had a few major concerns ruled out, for example any heart problems which is great. Pregnancy and labour just took it out of me completely, and I've pretty much been sick ever since.

The last few weeks I had tonsillitis, which I've had before but this was a lot more severe, which ended up with me in hospital because I couldn't swallow at all, over the coming days I was getting more and more ill, at one point meningitis was suspected, and then ruled out, turns out I have Glandular fever, which is just awful.
During a check up at the walk in centre I mentioned I have been getting regular flashes in my left eye, along with blurry vision, a doctor checked my eye and told me there might be a slight abnormality and to go to the eye hospital asap.

A lot of worry and 4 hours later after thorough tests everything was fine! The diagnosis being migraines, and the pain came later. I've been having terrible symptoms leading up to a migraine every few days. I did suffer in my teen years but that stopped.

All in all its been very difficult especially with a little baby, whenever I think I've recovered and try go back to normal activities I'm wiped out again. Doctor says this can happen with GF.

Health anxiety is still present but I've been learning to cope, learning more relaxation techniques and what helps me.

During this time I've lost a family member and another has suffered a major stroke. We are also moving house. Some days I feel like there is no respite.

But things could be worse and I'm grateful for all I do have.

Wishing everyone a healthy and happy new year,

From someone still struggling, you can still live your life :hugs:

02-01-19, 11:59
Hi Katiepink :)
First of all you need one of these.... :bighug1:
Can I just say what an amazing woman you are.
OMG, what you have been through and going through and you still find the positives.
GF can be debilitating. I know because I have had it and you have to watch doing too much.
No doubt you will know your body will tell you this in it's cruel way.
It's lovely to hear from you and you have proved your strength no end and your love for life! x

---------- Post added at 11:59 ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 ----------

P. S. I've had those flashes from the corner of the eye. They are quite frightening, but they do go away. x

02-01-19, 12:55
Hi Katiepink :)
First of all you need one of these.... :bighug1:
Can I just say what an amazing woman you are.
OMG, what you have been through and going through and you still find the positives.
GF can be debilitating. I know because I have had it and you have to watch doing too much.
No doubt you will know your body will tell you this in it's cruel way.
It's lovely to hear from you and you have proved your strength no end and your love for life! x

---------- Post added at 11:59 ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 ----------

P. S. I've had those flashes from the corner of the eye. They are quite frightening, but they do go away. x

Hi Carnation thankyou for your kind words :hugs:

Yes I really underestimated GF. My doctor has instructed me to rest rest rest, so I'm trying to do just that. Its been a very hard year for my family, so I've been busy trying to care for my grandparents, my gran is finding it increasingly difficult to get out and about so I've been doing her shopping and helping with house hold chores, she really enjoys seeing baby so it's nice to put a smile on her face. But I think the year took its toll on me, well on all of us!

It's funny I haven't had much headspace to even struggle with health anxiety during the days, only when I lay down at night it's still there the worries. I guess I haven't been looking after myself as I should, my little girl comes first but she needs a healthy mamma I suppose!

Yes the flashes really shook me, but it's nice to be told what it is, although the migraines are debilitating I felt instantly better to be given a reason for them,

Hoping all is well on your end, best wishes for the new year x

02-01-19, 13:38
Wow you have been through the wringer!
Really inspirational to hear you've coped during these difficult times.
Wishing you and your family a healthy, happy and peaceful 2019

02-01-19, 17:08
Glad to hear your baby is doing well, Katie :hugs:

I had a mate at college who had GF. He thought he was over it and then we all saw him collapse head first into a pint. It's something that just means rest & more rest.

When I got over pneumonia (again, college days), which took a month, I was going back to college and got up to find I could barely eat. My eyes were bloodshot and I had to crawl back up the stairs to bed. I thought I had GF but it turned out to be a low count of platelets caused by the aftermath of the pneumonia.

Something that seems so taken for granted can put us into a level of fatigue we've never felt before. The body takes time to repair it all and it's bed rest until it's decided it's finished.

02-01-19, 17:38
Hi there
When I had my second child, my anxiety and panic went through the roof. I too had some health things going on that did not help. My advice to you is to get a lot of rest!!!! Accept help if you have a trusted family member or friend... allow them to come hold little baby and rock him/her while you sleep.
You have to take care of yourself or you won’t be able to take care of baby. Mental health and your health are intertwined and so important. Get a team of doctors on board (let your PCP, OB and psychologist know what’s going on so you have a full medical support system.) I emphasize so much because I could have written your post 7 years ago. Without my family and some good doctors I would have been in a horrible place.

02-01-19, 22:46
Glad to hear your baby is doing well, Katie :hugs:

I had a mate at college who had GF. He thought he was over it and then we all saw him collapse head first into a pint. It's something that just means rest & more rest.

When I got over pneumonia (again, college days), which took a month, I was going back to college and got up to find I could barely eat. My eyes were bloodshot and I had to crawl back up the stairs to bed. I thought I had GF but it turned out to be a low count of platelets caused by the aftermath of the pneumonia.

Something that seems so taken for granted can put us into a level of fatigue we've never felt before. The body takes time to repair it all and it's bed rest until it's decided it's finished.

Hi Terry, she's doing fantastic, they grow far too fast with a big personality to match!

Yes doctor says even when you think you feel 100% better, to take things slowly otherwise it will ramp up all over again, lesson learned lol.

Hope you're well :D

---------- Post added at 22:46 ---------- Previous post was at 22:44 ----------

Hi there
When I had my second child, my anxiety and panic went through the roof. I too had some health things going on that did not help. My advice to you is to get a lot of rest!!!! Accept help if you have a trusted family member or friend... allow them to come hold little baby and rock him/her while you sleep.
You have to take care of yourself or you won’t be able to take care of baby. Mental health and your health are intertwined and so important. Get a team of doctors on board (let your PCP, OB and psychologist know what’s going on so you have a full medical support system.) I emphasize so much because I could have written your post 7 years ago. Without my family and some good doctors I would have been in a horrible place.

Hi thanks for replying, you're very right and if it wasn't for my partner I don't know how on earth is have managed. Mummy hood is a graft but it's so worth it x

03-01-19, 00:50
Oh wow! You've really been through the ringer! I admire how you manged to push on! GF can be the worst! My sister husband had it and he went back to work after two months, he worked in a hotel and after two hours of work. He couldn't even walk up the stairs he was so exhausted! It can take a lot out of your body even for awhile afterwards!

I wish you the best in everything and hope you get some energy in 2019 x

06-01-19, 20:46
Oh wow! You've really been through the ringer! I admire how you manged to push on! GF can be the worst! My sister husband had it and he went back to work after two months, he worked in a hotel and after two hours of work. He couldn't even walk up the stairs he was so exhausted! It can take a lot out of your body even for awhile afterwards!

I wish you the best in everything and hope you get some energy in 2019 x

Thank you Sarah, I'm feeling a bit better each day just the constant fatigue which I hear is usually the last thing to go X