View Full Version : PITA and anxiety

02-01-19, 19:39
I am flipping out because I have had a discomfort in my bottom for a few weeks now. I have been seen at docs by a nurse and a gp (trainee) who both said nothing sinister but I am stressing which seem to make it worse.

I had a cold about a month ago which came with an upset tummy. Other people I know had the same cold/tummy symptoms.

Once that cleared up, I had pain around my buttocks, like muscle/nerve pain, and sitting was uncomfortable. Pain was throbbing and came and went. I thought that maybe I had wiped too hard after upset tum.

Since then, my pain has become more of a pain in my “exit”, throbbing and stabbing and feeling irritated. Nurse diagnosed haemorrhoids and I used cream and suppositories. They give me some relief but not a lot and I think I might have been allergic. Went back to GP who gave my rectal and vaginal exams (as I felt pressure elsewhere, like my insides were coming out) and she found nothing, just normal muscle and bone.

That’s good I guess, but I still have pain. It feels like there is something there sometimes, or it is irritated, or stabbing. Pain sometimes throbbing. Separating butt cheeks helps. I had 2 days at home resting mostly and I started to feel a lot better (after the GP visit) but I had a moment of stress and it has come back again. I hope that is is just muscle tensing up as I have had a lot of muscle problems linked to anxiety and stress. I am comforted that the pain comes and goes and when I am distracted I barely notice it but when I’m not, I can’t think of anything else and the pain seems stronger. If I tense my butt, it feels irritated/sore.

Please anyone had symptoms like this? There is another user whose symptoms are similar and I have read his post too. I need to take a calprotectin test (I had to google and is for IBD - not cancer) which I have to wait to do as my Auntie is staying (lol TMI).

I know I shouldn’t seek reassurance but does anyone have a similar story and any tips to relieve it? I am going to get germolene (antiseptic/anaesthetic) cream to see if that helps.

Going mad with stress and worry

02-01-19, 23:46
Hello! Thought I could help you out a bit here. Any chance you have internal hemorrhoids? Can you feel them at all? Hemorrhoids can be incredibly painful. I had them during pregnancy and sometimes I couldn’t sit or even lay down during the flare-ups. It was bad.

This could also be a pilonidal cyst. Are you having tailbone pain at all? Can you feel a lump above your butt cheeks? I’ve had one of those as well, and they can be quite painful as well.

03-01-19, 00:00
By someone else, do you mean me? :D

I'm still having the symptoms, they've not got any better since I posted about the other week and they feel exactly like yours. It feels like there is something stuck just inside, that makes it feel quite full and quite uncomfortable. When I have a bath it feels like it's throbbing down there too - as if it might be full of air?

Parting the cheeks also works with me. Do you also have the achiness in the sitting bones too?

Hopefully we can both get this sorted soon :)

03-01-19, 00:18

Katniss I did get diagnosed with hemmies by a nurse but she only saw an external one and said that it was inflamed. If there is an internal one too the GP missed it, is that possible? She did say that the external one had gone down but I guess they can flare up? In her exam She seemed thorough (ouch). Thanks for your reassurance. :)

JamesRed lol I did mean you! How worrying that we are closely monitoring each other’s butts so to speak! I am trying to convince myself that it is muscular. Today I also have terrible muscle type pain on my glutes and at the top of my thighs at the back. I think I must be mega clenched!! :blush: It did all start off with muscle/nerve pains - at one point I felt like my butt had turned to stone when I was sitting. Then I started to get the throbbing pains and stuck feeling.

Have you been back to GP at all?

03-01-19, 00:25
To be fair, I wasn't keeping a tab. I opened the thread to see what PITA meant. Now I know :D

Not been back to the doctors yet, I tried to make an appointment today and there were none available. I'm going to try again in the morning.

I've also had the aching at the top of the thighs, I think it might be connected to the sitting bones somehow.

Have you had the sort of throbbing pain when you cough?

I've found hot baths help a little.

It is strange how we both seem to have the same symptoms :)

03-01-19, 01:04
It is strange that symptoms are the same but also reassuring I guess! That’s what helps me on here, having other stories to compare to! (Just kidding about the monitoring lol)

Baths do help me, I have put salts in which are good for sore hemmies and also for relaxing. Lying on my side helps as laying down on the bone makes it throb :( I don’t notice a change when coughing but i did read somewhere that straining and even harsh coughing can lead to hems so maybe there’s a hidden one your GP didn’t spot.

I looked up Piriformis / Levator Ani Syndrome and there are some symptoms that match. I am hoping the pain is muscular as it started for me as nerve/muscle pain - at first it felt like my buttocks had turned to stone when I sat down! I might try ice pack or heat pad, or even neurofen gel on my buttock muscles to see if that helps. When I clench more, it feels very sore everywhere yet when I relax I can barely feel anything at all.

Fingers crossed things improve for us both soon!

03-01-19, 14:53
Managed to get through to my GP. Didn't perform an inspection as he said the other doctor had done it and found nothing wrong. Looked in area and just said I still have a rash and has prescribed me steroid cream Not sure how this is going to work, I think I might make an appointment at my physio and see if there's anything he can do as I do t believe a rash can cause these aches.

Hope you get in touch with your doctor :)

03-01-19, 15:06
as I do t believe a rash can cause these aches.

The rash may not but adjusting the way we sit or lay down definitely can cause a whole host of aches and pains.

Positive vibes,


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03-01-19, 18:23
Well good news that doc is happy with your exam. :) Physio seems the way to go for you, I am looking at muscle exercises until I can see the gp.

This proctalgia link suggests pelvic floor exercises http://ddc.musc.edu/public/symptoms/proctalgia.html

My CBT person also recommended progressive muscle relaxation exercises for the muscle pains I have had, so I will also look at that.