View Full Version : Headache- brain tumour worries

03-01-19, 12:57
I'm a headache sufferer I have alot of headaches , but recently I've just been getting migraine things instead. I either get the visual disturbances on their own (before that happens I space out. I kinda got worried because my friend asked me if i had seizures cause I looked really vacant) or bad headaches that last 2 days . Cant move my head, sneeze, bend down without bringing on the pain. I'm just really scared. I woke up feeling weird this morning with a bad headache and feeling tired numb and dizzy. When I got up I felt a little better and took some painkillers which worked a little. Have had this type of headache before, used to get them alot as a teenager I got my eyes checked out and everything was ok and I got new glasses. I'm scared to go to the doctor. My mum died of a brain tumour 10 years ago and I think that's fueling the fire :(

03-01-19, 13:02
So sorry to hear about your mum- no wonder you worry. But brain tumours are not hereditary so your chances of developing one are low. You say you have suffered from this type of headache before which should also reassure you. Have you been to the doctor?

03-01-19, 13:06

I can understand your worry. I'm a headache person too and suffered with migraines during my teen years. I also have had migraine with aura, the zigzag lines and flashes.

For me I cut out the ingredients aspartame and MSG and my headaches practically stopped overnight. I didn't have a migraine for years. Now they are returning sadly.

I can understand your concerns because of your mum, why not speak this through with your doctor? I'm sure they'll understand and might be able to explain to you better what your headaches are and ways to help.

Best of luck

08-01-19, 19:19
Thank you both.

It's reassuring to know they aren't hereditary. It still plays in the back of my mind though, when my mum was ill I had awful headaches.
I think I did try and diet and cut out loads of stuff but it made no difference.

Just an update, I saw a nurse today because i felt a bit fed up cause I still have this headache and she said that it doesn't sound serious and gave me a prescription and I need to fill in a migraine diary and have a follow up appointment in a couple of weeks. Reassuring but these headaches still make me feel bad