View Full Version : Trapped wind nearly every day! Anyone else?

03-01-19, 16:26
Hi guys, this is a super weird thing to talk about, but I get tapped air in my abdomen around my stomach and intestines all the time. I often wake up and already have it. A lot of the tensions seems to go if I am able to expel the gas. I have it nearly everyday and I can't think of any reason for it. I googled it and it came up with stomach cancer (because of course it did) I'm not really that concerned because I've had problems with trapped air for years. I'm more wondering how many other people have this?

03-01-19, 16:59

Don't be embarrassed to talk about bowel issues. We all pass gas and poop! But anyway what you describe is textbook ibs. Symptoms worst upon wakening and relief with bowel movements/passing wind.

Either buy or ask your doctor to prescribe Simeticone (Windeze) which should help your symptoms.

This is NOT stomach cancer.

Good luck

03-01-19, 22:46
I defo get it. I take Gas X for it and it seems to help.

03-01-19, 23:40
I get this all the time. My husband always laughs at me when I lay in bed pressing my belly to get things moving, hut it really works!