View Full Version : Tyson Fury Mental Health Interview

03-01-19, 18:52
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone has seen the interview Tyson Fury did about his Mental Health issues two months ago?, he was interviewed by Canadian sports announcer, commentator and mental health advocate Mauro Ranallo who suffers with Bipolar and made his own documentary documenting his struggles which i was shocked to watch..it is called bi polar Rock n rolla.

Anyway i always thought Tyson was abit of a loud mouth etc and with his millions i'm sure he'll be just fine but i must admit that i admire him for trying to spread the word on Mental Health issues...and as he say's in the interview 'If it can bring him at 6ft 9'' to his knees then it can bring anyone down'...He doesn't have to, he can go relax in one of his mansions, lol

Well heres the link if anyone wants to watch it...i am going to try find the correct link to the Bi Polar Rock n Rolla documentary, its hard to find the full one.


What do you guys think?..

05-01-19, 21:36
Hi , watched the fight and now Ive watched the interview, I knew like a lot of sportsmen he had his demons and as soon as they stop training it all comes to a head , all that extra time to think and no routine brings them crashing down .
For men to say they are struggling to cope is still seen as sign of weakness and for a man
Like Tyson from travellers background it would be even harder , Ive known travelers over the years and they give away nothing about themselves to stop it being used against them .
He has been very brave to admit his weaknesses openly but I suppose it would be a very brave or stupid man to mock him for it .
Times are changing slowly but surely, it's been seven years since my meltdown but I have never told a single freind about what Ive been and still going though , it seemed easier to lose contact with them which is very sad as I do miss them and they'd probably be more understanding than I expect .I was always seen as the strong one in our group from a young age , if there was trouble I'd usually be at the front arguing, it was a long way to fall and I'd rather hide away than admit how scared Ive become of the daftest of things .
I'm broken like Tyson was but can the pieces be put back together? Time will tell .

05-01-19, 21:55
I hope he learns from his struggles because some of his views impact on the mental health of others. If he doesn't learn to be more compassionate and tolerant then I find it hard to understand as it as has forced me to look more at those around me and be more forgiving.

05-01-19, 23:41
Ive found that too Mr T , I don't judge people that are on their arses I try and help , everyone has a story of how they got where they are in life , a plus side to anxiety being more compassionate , who'd have thought it could have a positive side .

05-01-19, 23:57
True, Buster. It has a habit of shining a great big mirror right in your face and you can't escape what you see. But I expect the same is said for many experiences in life.

Some people grow from it, others don't. Some with mental health issues just use it to justify their behaviour and others have a think about what it's like to be outside your own head and leaving someone else's life, which can often be so much worse.

06-01-19, 08:32
I'm a bit dubious about Tyson Fury just like I'm a bit dubious about the diagnoses of many celebrities. Like you ,Terry, I hate to see mental health issues used as an excuse to justify unacceptable behaviour.

06-01-19, 15:44
Hi Guys, Thanks for replying...It's really interesting what you have said and i agree with you all. I think it's great he's stepped up to speak about it as can only be a good thing..

Time will tell if he's learnt from it..i don't think he has unfortunately.

I found the link for the Mauro Ranallo Documentary for anyone who wants to watch...very interesting.



06-01-19, 17:22
I've not had chance to watch it but I have read about his past struggles with depression. I think it's likely he is one of the more valid sufferers, many celebs are just bandwagon jumpers or overinflating issues to make them fit a label and it's all about "going on a journey" and selling the next story.

His drug use and excuses for testing are a different matter to me. Maybe he was afraid to admit an issue but since he already had talked about depression I questioned it because of his other behaviour. Being a loud mouth with an unpleasant following means I'm going to be cautious about him because some of what he has said about his beliefs I can't agree with.

I think a big problem he has is his "act". He has set himself up as king of the travellers and they are not known as the most accepting of ethnic groups. He invites the thuggish element and I really can't see that doing anything but clash with being open about these struggles when that element just want a pint, a curry and fight.

His religious beliefs may help him through this but I suspect in that more devout manner of therapy combined with belief that I think is quite negative compared to unbiased therapy.

If he changes his act, it would help. I have sympathy for his struggles with mental health but he's down the queue for support from me when he acts like a tool that judges others and treats them badly. But that's just people.

06-01-19, 19:23
Somthing Ive said before is mental illness is not picky it will take all comers just because he has the personality of an arse it doesn't make him immune and being ill and getting better doesn't change everyone's personality, I used to do some work for a local drug dealer not through choice he had money and I needed work and it wasn't drug related , anyway he was the most brash big headed man gold teeth flash clothes and nice cars , he was known for breaking bones if you owed him money , so half way through restoring a Porsche for him he disappeared which was good as I had his money and car , he later turned up with a mate , he was in a white dressing gown and let on he'd been in the metal health unit of the hospital because he'd completely lost the plot , it was either go it voluntarily or be sectioned , after coming out he was back to his cocky self .
You can't judge Tyson by the front he puts on that's part of his job and I can't really see any benifit from making up the story they do pay him pretty well , then again who knows what the hell anyone is thinking or their reasons for doing what they do , there's nowt as queer as folk .:D

07-01-19, 17:59
I think Im on the same page as most folks here.
I think its great that hes speaking out about his mental health.
I too hope that he will exercise less extreme views than he has previously which would I guess lose him empathy when recently we have witnessed a man who isnt giving up, isnt backing down and is tackling his mental health.
I'm optimistic that he could become an advocate through his Boxing career.

I always find Boxing a strange discipline/sport when you effectively know that someone is going to try and take lumps out of you.