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View Full Version : Relapse - Ovarian Cancer Fear

04-01-19, 19:52
Hi all,

I'm afraid I've relapsed after getting some back and hip pain come on suddenly on Wend.

I'm not sure if there's anything I did to cause it (I can't remember anything), but I have this pinchy/pain feeling in my upper buttocks that wraps around to my hip and down my leg only on the right side. Now I'm panicked that this is a sign of ovarian cancer. :(

Nothing really seems to help it yet except stretching. I've scheduled an appointment with my doc on Monday and I'm sure she'll want to do some type of scan since she's cautious and I'm trying to remind myself she won't be suspecting OC, just checking for cysts and things like that. I didn't want to start the new year with HA, but here is it again just like an unwelcome guest.

I guess I don't have to tell anyone that these thoughts were no where near my brain just 4 days ago. It's ridiculous how you can go from fine to panicked with just one new symptom appearing. Then your brain starts connecting real or imaginary dots and there you go - you're dying.

Not sure what I'm looking for....maybe just some commiseration and reminders to NOT PANIC. :D

07-01-19, 18:53
So doc today said it sounds like classic sciatica pain and wants me to try anti-inflammatories and stretching and whatnot for 10 days.

I asked her specifically about ovarian cancer and she just smiled and said "it's not that!". She knows about my HA though, and why I always assume the worst. I wish she had ordered a test or something to confirm it's muscular. I hate just assuming it's what it sounds like. :(