View Full Version : Travel Anxiety

05-01-19, 03:05
Hello Everyone,

My first post and am pretty desperate. I’ve been traveling for years without much thought. Lately however it has become paralyzingly painful. I’ve already had to cancel a trip in November, now have to leave next week for another one and am struggling and afraid I will have to cancel this one as well. What makes it all that much worse is I’m a recreational pilot with all my license, and much experience.
Before the trip I canceled I had traveled already three times in the year alone.
So I am really at wits end with this, I love traveling I love flying but I cannot get myself to get to the airport and this came up all of a sudden. Any advice or opinions will help. This is killing me.

05-01-19, 03:12
I /love/ traveling. You can't stop me booking holidays! I love getting out there...but on the weeks, days drawn closer that I have to go to the airport. I go to that email with my details and think about it canceling it all. I can't bare the thought of going to the airport, o f getting on that plane!

My simple sayings would be- you already with your license already know. Air travel is the safest way to travel. You have the knowledge, have the faith in yourself. You've gotten yourself up into the air and down again safely as many times. If you're on a plane someone is flying- trust they know everything you do! It's their job.

Phyical things you can do- try driving or however you get to the airport in small amounts. Slowly getting closer each time. Or go to the airport a few days before you fly. Just get some coffee or something to drink. Let yourself be there and see everything is okay.

The biggest shame is missing out what could be amazing! Sorry if this is all ramble. I do understand in a certain way! I was a swimmer for years, won a lot of stuff. Yet one day the idea of getting into the pool made me want to run!

05-01-19, 15:24
Thank you for the reply! I know excacly what you mean.
This is all new territory for me and I have never felt like this before and learning to cope is what I’m finding the hardest because it is so paralyzing!
The trusting someone else part is what I think I’m finding the hardest to overcome. But also what if I have an attack on the plane? Or in the terminal?
It’s interesting about what you said about the swimming. Did you overcome it?