View Full Version : Tension Headache and bilateral shoulder pain?

05-01-19, 04:22
Hey Guys!
I have been doing so well until this week, I've got some sores on my gums which are putting me into over drive and now today I noticed that I have pain in both shoulders right in the same place! I mean what?

I've never known that to happen to me before and is causing my anxiety to come back.

For a start my tension headache is so strong and I used a Neti pot 7 days ago - so I'm thinking maybe it's a brain eating amoeba and now I've got the same pain in both shoulders, not the shoulder blade but the actual shoulders themselves - if you google that it comes up with cancer. Has anyone ever had this before?
It feel like a tight muscle pain, kinda burns almost like a pressure point but isn't it weird to have it in the same place?

Anyway love to know what you guys think as I sit here freaking out, worried it might be sepsis from the wounds in my gums - ( though no lumps are up) - or that it's lung cancer or something that I should be running and Emergency for!

Help .. mind in overdrive.... thank you!

05-01-19, 04:46
I feel like I ghostwrote the shoulder pain part of this post lol I 100% understand what you're experiencing and experience shoulder pain myself along with tension headaches. It's possible the tension in your shoulders can be where your tension is originating and is what's causing your headache, the office chairs at my work are super crappy and I always experience that kind of pain after a few days of work.
Also people who are anxious often tend to hold a lot more tension, I often find my shoulders are up way too far and held too tightly without even realizing it and I have to consciously move them down and release the tension, maybe try doing that a few times throughout the day? Drop your shoulders, roll/move them around and try to work on keeping them more loosened up.

05-01-19, 04:54
Thank you!!! I know it’s challenging isn’t it! Especially as I’m worried I’ve got the brain eating amoeba too! Thank you though makes me feel better

05-01-19, 07:34
Neck and shoulder pain being bilateral is quite common. It's all connected and pain refers around.

That you mentioned several different diseases in your post that you are concerned with should tell you everything you need to know about what's really going on in your head.

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20-04-19, 02:34
I'm having horrible shoulder and neck tension but only on my right side. It is so bad that I'm having headaches (mostly on the right side) and it also affects how my eye feels. Do distressing! This just started about a month ago and I cannot get rid of it! But that shoulder pain is severe and sometimes does feel like a burning pain.