View Full Version : I feel like my brain is inventing things to be anxious about

05-01-19, 11:23
My most recent episode of anxiety/depression began in late spring/early summer 2015. I went back on my citalopram medication (for the 3rd time!) and had several weeks of one-to-one therapy, which was really helpful. By about March 2016, I felt like I was back to my usual self, although it was a much longer and more difficult recovery than usual for me.

I was originally on 20mg citalopram, and for the last 18 months or so, I've been gradually weaning myself off following the doctor's guidance. For the last 8 months at least, I've been taking one 10mg tablet every 3 days, so it's a very low dose.

Since September 2018, I started feeling more anxious again, although it was nothing compared to how I was feeling in 2015. I noticed that I was ruminating more - going over things which had happened in the past, and imagining catastrophic outcomes (e.g. when someone sent me a scam text in September, I kept imagining to myself what could have happened if I had replied to it, coming up with extreme scenarios such as losing my life savings, my family hating me for falling for a scam, and being destitute when I'm older. Other examples were to do with near-misses on the road - I'd imagine myself being seriously injured or even killed if a crash had actually occurred).

In October and November, this anxiety died down a bit and I felt like I was able to keep it under control. However, in December the anxiety increased again and I've felt quite uneasy ever since. I don't actually have anything in particular to worry about in the future, so I feel like my mind is inventing nightmare scenarios based on near-misses that I've suffered in the past. For example, I ruminate over cases in the past where I nearly sent confidential messages to the wrong recipients, and only noticed just before pressing Send. Then I imagine all the awful things that could have happened if I had indeed sent the messages to the wrong recipients.

I feel like there is a gnawing anxiety in the back of my mind, so I'm worried that it's going to turn into a full-blown relapse.

Can anyone else here relate to the feeling of your mind inventing things to be anxious about?

05-01-19, 15:14
I've had my own issues with over thinking but I must admit that over the last few year I've been good . What helped for me was CBT which I admit I've had twice. But then when I started to feel a bit like my symptoms where starting again I looked for something herbal , been on anti depressants 3 times in the last 10 years and didn't want to go there again. I'm on Ashwaganda ,my mood stable and I'm very clam for me and been like this for over 6 months. Hope this might help ?

06-01-19, 12:24
Thank you for your reply. I have had one to one CBT, although it was 3 and a half years ago now. Where do you get Ashwaganda?