View Full Version : Hi All

01-09-07, 11:40
Hi there,

Im 30 years old from the UK and I've suffered from panic attacks in the form of social and travel phobias for the past 10 years. I had a great life thought, good job and wonderful girlfriend. About 2 years ago the panic attacks got worse to the point where I couldn't go out. My girlfriend stood by me but eventually got sick of it and left me. I moved away from home to bewith her and now I'm alone in a place where I'm haunted by memories of happier times. I have no friends up here, and my old friends got sick of my panic attacks and most have deserted me. All I see is work colleagues with happy lives and people going about their daily business and I just want to cry all the time I think I am suffering clinical depression as a result of this and I feel devasted by the loss. I can't concentrate on anything else and I hate myself for having let the panic attacks beat me like this. I don't want to move home because that would be admitting defeat and I'm trying to stay positive but the situaton is killing me.

01-09-07, 11:55
Hi Vandelay,

I'm sorry you're having a hard time at the moment. I went through a similar scenario myself earlier this year, and i know how difficult it can be :hugs:

This is a very obvious suggestion, but have you been to see your GP about all this?

Take care,

Lorelai x

01-09-07, 12:09
I spoke to a GP initially and was prescriped citralopam (or however it's spelt). I'm in councilling for this but at present not on medication. I probably should be though. I'm trying to beat this by meeting it head on. To be honest, my main issue at the moment is the crushing depression I feel. I'm really struggling to concentrate on anything at the moment. As all this has been caused by panic disorder I thought I'd log here and talk to people who have been through similar experiences. I know I'm feeling sorry for myself but I'd like you all to know I'm here to help anyone else feeling down from it :)

01-09-07, 12:13
Hi and welcome :)


01-09-07, 12:29
I am on citalopram, and it helps with depression and anxety.

01-09-07, 12:31
Hi Vandelay,
welcome to NMP.
You've come to the right place.You will get lots of good advice and make friends with people who know what your going through.


01-09-07, 13:01
Hello Vandelay,
Welcome Im Sorry Your Going Thru A Bad Time Right Now........just Know You Can Beat This ......linda X

01-09-07, 13:16
Hello Vandelay :welcome:to you!

I'm with Clive on this one - if you've been prescribed Citalopram then give it a go, I'm very glad I did. It's effects are accumulativve so it can take anything from 6 - 8 weeks to get into your system. However, some have seen quicker results than this and some have taken longer but as everyone is different you won't really know until you try.

You'll get plenty of help and support here though, no matter what you decide!

Pleased to meet you!


Pink Princess
01-09-07, 13:19

welcome xxx

love minnie xxxxxxxx

01-09-07, 15:52

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

01-09-07, 16:21
Hi Vandelay

:welcome: to NMP.

Sorry you have had such a horrible time hun. I too was prescribed Citalopram and they worked so well for me. They take a while to settle in but once they do I'm sure you will feel the benefit of them, then hopefully you can look forward to the future. Give them time im sure they will work as well for you as they did for me. Another great help was finding this site and talking to people with similar problems, it just helps loads to know that you are not alone and there is always someone ready with advice no matter how silly you think the problem is.

Take care.

01-09-07, 16:56

And welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


01-09-07, 17:32
Hi Vandelay,

Welcome to the forum. I'm really sorry about all that has happened to you. I think perhaps you should follow your doctor's advice and take the meds for a short time. Counseling is a great thing to do along with meds if you aren't against meds. If you ever do have to go back home that is not being a failure by the way. You will find many here who feel like you do and will get tons of support here. I hope you feel better soon.



01-09-07, 19:11
Hi Vandelay

A warm :welcome: aboard to you and hope we can be of some help.