View Full Version : Still anxious after all clear from doctors

05-01-19, 16:40
Hi everyone, first time posting. Last night I had another panic attack (had one at Christmas) and I need any help I can get to prevent them. Every panic attack I’ve ever had has been related to health anxiety, the first one was a few years ago when I started googling symptoms (I know, bad idea) and was convinced I had MS. Cue panic attack, which I didn’t know was a panic attack, and only further convinced me there was something wrong, this time with my heart.

So I went to hospital, doctors did all the tests (ECG, echocardiogram, chest x-ray, blood test) and everything was normal. They sent me home and this reassurance got rid of the anxiety and its physical symptoms pretty much instantly.

Fast forward about 5 panic-free years and I have begun to think there is something wrong with me again. After some chest pain on Christmas eve and Christmas day (which I logically know is probably caused by anxiety since I’m autistic and don’t like social situations) I had an awful panic attack the following night because of that pain. Every symptom you can think of I had it, shaking, pounding heart, hot flushes, rapid breathing, tingling hands, etc. It lasted about 2 hours.

Last night it happened again but I was able to control it a little bit better by talking to my mother while it was happening and have her remind me I was okay. Again this attack was caused by chest pain but it was very mild and I was also passing a lot of gas so, that could have been the cause of it (still trying to convince myself I’m not dying lol).

I really struggle to prevent or stop panic attacks since the cause of them is the fear that I’m dying, and I just find it impossible to think logically and remember that I don’t have a heart condition nor am I having a heart attack at the age of 23. And because it’s been a while since doctors gave me the all clear I can’t help but think that maybe there’s something wrong now, that wasn’t wrong 5 years ago.

I have a doctors appointment soon so I’ll talk to them about this but I was wondering if anyone else has panic attacks for similar reasons or how on earth I can stop them when I feel them coming on. I try all the breathing techniques and try my best to think logically but it’s really difficult.

Thanks for reading.

05-01-19, 18:48

I see this is your first post, so welcome to the forums :)

What you're describing is really a classic panic attack. I haven't really had panic attacks myself (although I've come pretty close on a few occasions), and what I've had have been horrible, so I shudder to think what a full blown attack is like.

Trapped wind can cause severe pain, as can reflux. Often this can radiate to the chest, making people think they're having a heart attack, when in reality they either need to fart or take an antacid.

I'm sure you're fine considering your tests and age.

Good luck