View Full Version : So scared stomach/pancreas/colon issue?

06-01-19, 13:22
So I've had lack of appetite since just before Christmas and a few days after I started to get discomfort just below my ribcage that I get on and off, especially if I go to bed on a full tummy but usually lasts no more than a day or so,this is still on going. I've been to my GP 4 times since and they're saying it's anxiety causing it. They reluctantly scheduled an ultrasound and have to get bloods done next week also. My stomach is very grumbly too which is unusual. I've got myself so worked up over it that I'm finding it hard to focus 😢

06-01-19, 13:25
Snap! Exactly the same. I also keep bloating up immediately after eating and need to go to the toilet as I’m so gassy.

06-01-19, 13:30
I'm not really bloated ATM but it's the discomfort and lack of appetite that scares me. I should add I'm a 30yo female and my GP keeps adding that I'm too young for such issues although I know it's not impossible. They seem to be more concerned about anxiety issues.

06-01-19, 13:39
Try peppermint oil capsules (some contain peanut oil, so if you're allergic, READ the box before taking) or simeticone (Windeze). Both can be bought in supermarkets, shops, pharmacies etc

Good luck

06-01-19, 15:30
Sounds like it could just be an upset over the Christmas period. We can all get sensitive to rich foods in larger quantities. We rent to eat mire things we wouldn’t such as cheeses, mince pies etc that are high fat and harder to digest. Try some basic foods for a couple of days to see if it settles.
I am with you on the lack of appetite though. Bought lots of lovely snacks for Christmas and not really touched them as when I think about food I feel nauseous or just not like eating x

06-01-19, 15:43
I haven't had much over Christmas to upset my stomach tbh. I didn't even manage much of my Christmas dinner ☹️ I'm hoping I don't have to wait long for my ultrasound now for peace of mind if nothing else

06-01-19, 16:23
It's amazing the doctor actually agreed to an ultrasound to be honest.

06-10-19, 16:16
Have things improved? Going through the exact same thing at the moment...