View Full Version : Back with more heart fears AND stomach issues

06-01-19, 21:43
I followed a low-carb diet back in July and didn't have any issues adjusting. I'm doing it again now but a little more strict keto this time, and eliminating alcohol from my diet for Dry January. Anyway. For the past 2-3 days now, I immediately feel sick after I eat. I feel a little nauseous as I'm eating and have diarrhea within 30 minutes of a meal. On top of that, my heart feels like it's been racing nonstop for about a week now, and my head feels heavy. Not dizzy or lightheaded, but if I lift it up after looking down or something like that, it feels heavy and almost takes my eyes a couple seconds to focus? Just now, I finished lunch, and broke into a major cold sweat. Heart's pounding and I've already been to the bathroom again. I know your body needs to adjust to new diets but I didn't have any of these issues back in July. And I know a lot of these symptoms can be signs of a heart attach in women. I'm freaking out right now. My husband is trying to talk me down and assure me the unseasonably warm weather today, combined with changing my diet, and I'm on my period - he says it's just a combo of all those things. But I've had heart fears for YEARS and I of course think these are signs of a major heart problem. I don't have any pain anywhere though. Please help!!!