View Full Version : Leukemia or lymphoma?

06-01-19, 22:04
Hi guys
Some of you may recognise me from 4 years ago. I beat my health anxiety since the and I was ok until recently.
Now it's back. I've been having horrible night sweats recently. I had a blood test and it showed elevated lymphocytes.
Now I am convinced I have either leukemia or lymphoma.
I might have an enlarged spleen too as I feel ful after eating.
Anyone with similar concerns?

bin tenn
06-01-19, 22:50
Did you talk to your doc about the thought/fear of those cancers, or any other illnesses? If not, I'd recommend reaching out to them to see what they think. I don't know enough about them, and I'm not a doc, to make an educated guess. My opinion, however, is that you're likely fine. You could possibly be fighting off something.

06-01-19, 23:39
Did you have your test through the GP? If so, when giving results, they would not just tell you that there was an abnormality that could be a serious cancer and send you home. You would be sent off for further testing. My mum is in remission from lymphoma and she went through millions of tests.

I googled (yes yes I know) lymphocytes and they are signs that your body has fought off/is fighting an infection. Could be anything, not necessarily what you fear.

What do you mean by night sweats? My mum was told that night sweats are when you wake up soaking to the point that you have to change your clothes and your bedding. Not waking up sweaty...that could be down to a bad dream, overheated room, having a cold etc.

06-01-19, 23:50
I have CLL.. currently no night sweats but they are a major symptom of my disease. Also spleen, lymph nodes swelling etc also.. I that minus the spleen as yet. When my bloods were done.. I was called back in within hours for further bloods and examination.. I was then reffered to a heamotolgist after a week or so to find i had leaukimia :( Be patient for bloods to be carried out and good luck with it.2

07-01-19, 00:09
fighting an infection can cause lymphocytes to be raised are you menopausal dont mean to be rude but sweating at night can be meno related i worked in haematology and you do need other tests doing to confirm a diagnosis of this kind try to keep calm most likely will be ok

07-01-19, 00:56
Hi guys. I am 34, not menopausal. I've had night sweat on and off for years.
I actually showed them to 3 doctors. All said it's probably a viral infection aftermath but get them tested again in 2 weeks.
My wbc, rbc and platelets are normal. My neutrophils are low. Monocytes and eosinophils are high as well as my lymphocytes.
I am scared I have cll as well. My night sweats are drenching. I wake up soaking wet.

---------- Post added at 00:56 ---------- Previous post was at 00:52 ----------

I have CLL.. currently no night sweats but they are a major symptom of my disease. Also spleen, lymph nodes swelling etc also.. I that minus the spleen as yet. When my bloods were done.. I was called back in within hours for further bloods and examination.. I was then reffered to a heamotolgist after a week or so to find i had leaukimia :( Be patient for bloods to be carried out and good luck with it.2

So sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I hope it is under control. I read that people with cll don't even need treatment for decades and are under wait and see process.
My lymphocytes # 4.23 (1.5 - 3.5 are normal ranges)
Lymphocytes % are 54.20 (20.3 - 46.7).

I didn't have an infection beforehand that I know of. Which scared me. I've got some swollen lymph nodes on my groin but they are there for 4 years.
I am 34, how old were you when you were diagnosed?
Thank you for your answer. X

07-01-19, 04:52
I'm currently going through something similar. Went to the doctor with some stomach pain and swollen lymph nodes. CBC showed elevated WBC and and lymphocytes. I was put on anti-biotics and had ultrasounds on my abdomen and neck.

Until I saw the ENT I too was pretty convinced I had lymphoma or leukemia but the ENT didn't believe there was anything too abnormal going on with me other than I had had an infection (likely mono). As a precaution I am having another neck ultrasound and likely a biopsy in a few weeks. I had a thread about it here recently.

My WBC was a bit high (12,200) with absolute lymphocytes at 7.9 (real high). I'm honestly still a bit worried that I may have something serious but having been to multiple doctors now who are not concerned has calmed most of my anxiety.

Your CBC seems to be much more normal than mine was. I would guess you just had an infection. Sounds like you'll know for sure in a few weeks when you have another blood test. Until then stay positive.

07-01-19, 06:02
Hi guys
Some of you may recognise me from 4 years ago. I beat my health anxiety since the and I was ok until recently.
Now it's back. I've been having horrible night sweats recently. I had a blood test and it showed elevated lymphocytes.
Now I am convinced I have either leukemia or lymphoma.
I might have an enlarged spleen too as I feel ful after eating.
Anyone with similar concerns?

Hi, I agree with what the others have said and would like to add if you have any autoimmune conditions going on you can get the same symptoms and blood results.

07-01-19, 15:14
I'm currently going through something similar. Went to the doctor with some stomach pain and swollen lymph nodes. CBC showed elevated WBC and and lymphocytes. I was put on anti-biotics and had ultrasounds on my abdomen and neck.

Until I saw the ENT I too was pretty convinced I had lymphoma or leukemia but the ENT didn't believe there was anything too abnormal going on with me other than I had had an infection (likely mono). As a precaution I am having another neck ultrasound and likely a biopsy in a few weeks. I had a thread about it here recently.

My WBC was a bit high (12,200) with absolute lymphocytes at 7.9 (real high). I'm honestly still a bit worried that I may have something serious but having been to multiple doctors now who are not concerned has calmed most of my anxiety.

Your CBC seems to be much more normal than mine was. I would guess you just had an infection. Sounds like you'll know for sure in a few weeks when you have another blood test. Until then stay positive.

Doctors were not concerned with my results either but waiting is the worst.

I had a tooth infection and had it removed at the end of November but other than that I didn't have any infections that I know of. That freaked me out and even today I woke up covered in sweat again.

I booked a gp appointment on the 16th. We'll see how it goes.

07-01-19, 20:56
I must be doing something wrong. I was diagnosed with DLBCL with normal level lymphocytes, a great appetite and no night sweats. :D

Seriously, elevated lymphocytes is a very common clinical finding and is usually due to infection.

08-01-19, 10:54
I must be doing something wrong. I was diagnosed with DLBCL with normal level lymphocytes, a great appetite and no night sweats. :D

Seriously, elevated lymphocytes is a very common clinical finding and is usually due to infection.

Thank you. Hope you are doing well. I am still freaking out but trying to stay calm.

13-01-19, 22:51
So I was actually feeling better and not thinking about this fear but then today when I was taking a bath I noticed a swollen lymph node in the right side of my neck.
It is painful but hard and I think I have a cold sore growing up my nose but totally freaked me out and I'm scared I'll end up with a massive panic attack right now.