View Full Version : Difference between anxiety chest pains and heart attack?

07-01-19, 00:53
I’ve had a tight chest many times in the past because of anxiety, but last night and today i’ve also had a little bit of chest pain. I realise this can be an anxiety symptom as well, but how do you know the difference between anxiety and a heart attack? I think the bit of pain I feel is underneath my breasts, sort of in the middle of my chest, but down low and maybe under m right breast. My upper back, in between my shoulder blades is sore and as well. I also gave a stomach ache. I did eat a whole big Toblerone bar over the last two days, so maybe that has something to do with it? My anxiety is really spiraling out of control today.
I did use the search function on this forum to look up chest pain/tightness posts, but that actually made me feel worse.

bin tenn
07-01-19, 01:31
I honestly don't know. Neither my primary doc nor my cardiologist can definitely answer that either, presumably because, ultimately, there is no strict definition for chest pain associated with a cardiac event vs anxiety vs other things that can cause chest pain. This is one of those things that we must learn to accept, but anxiety doesn't like to accept the unknown. Rather than being hung up on these types of questions, we should instead work to appreciate that we are alive and well in "this moment." The "right now." Not the past, not the future, not the uncertain "what ifs." Just the "here and now."

07-01-19, 01:47
I have had anxiety chest pain and I had a heart attack and believe me you know the difference.

07-01-19, 04:46
You got hat right Nic :D

07-01-19, 08:19
If it were a heart attack, you would know something was wrong. The unexplained sweating, and extreme pain down your left arm or left shoulder, as well as debilitatingly tight chest pain, and the inability to get a breath in. Your heart and stomach are the 2 primary organs effected by stress or anxiety. Also, your brain has the capability of creating preudo symptoms based off of what you worry about (I.e, worrying about bladder cancer and then you eventually develop abdominal cramps afterwards). It honestly sounds like you ate something imlroper. I have this sort of sensation too after drinking something cold, eating ice cream, or eating something despite needing to burp.

07-01-19, 11:15
The difference is you wouldn't be posting a thread and waiting for answers.

Positive thoughts