View Full Version : Dr Claire Weekes

08-01-19, 13:41
Hi all,

I saw someone on here recommend a book by Claire Weekes called “self-help for your nerves”. I can’t remember who recommended it, sorry! But wanted to say thank you as it is a brilliant book! It seems like it would be great for anyone suffering with any degree of anxiety and/or stress.

So thanks again and I would definitely advise anyone who hasn’t read it to give it a go. I picked it up for less than £7 online.



25-03-19, 01:17
Thanks to Dr. Claire Weekes I was able to beat my anxiety the first time around. This time I am reading her books again, as well as DARE by Barry McDonaugh. Both excellent.

25-03-19, 11:02
I'm a huge fan of her methods and ideologies - the books are dated now, wording has changed for various conditions/symptoms over the decades and we can tell they are 'old books'. However, I honestly think that many books that follow her are just using the same effective methods but written in a more updated style, just elaboration of her ideas. She was the godmother of self-help for anxiety!

29-10-20, 20:34
Totally agree, she was my saviour, more than once!

29-10-20, 21:00
Totally agree, she was my saviour, more than once!

And mine

30-10-20, 06:34
I love Claire! That gal knew her stuff when it came to anxiety!

Lady Penelope
30-10-20, 09:55
I also love Claire Weekes books. I have them as audiobooks. The books and you tube videos by Dr Harry Barry are also very good.

30-10-20, 13:58
Harry Barry..Great name!

Lady Penelope
30-10-20, 14:03
Yes! Parents obviously did not think that one through!
he has a lovely soothing voice and a soft Irish accent. Worth a listen especially when he explains about panic attacks.