View Full Version : New levels of HA

08-01-19, 15:05
Hi all,

I haven't been on this site in about six years. But alas, HS has grappled me once again and - albeit I'm sure I've said this before - it's probably the worst it's been. Like all of you, I beat myself up about it "live your life, stop wasting your time, people are sick, get over yourself" etc but I've had a lot of time on my own recently and my mind has gone into overdrive. I know a GP is the only person who can really help (seeing one tomorrow AM), but if you recognise any of the below and can provide any reassurance that I'm not riddled with cancer, I'd appreciate it!

1. Hip/quad pain. I'm fairly confident this is the result of over running. I saw a physio who said there was no sign of anything other than muscular. So trying hard to be rational about this one...But you know, HA, so I'm also thinking bone cancer. Struggling to walk, never mind run.

2. Lump on the top of my foot (same side as hip issue). Small, moveable lump on foot just where ankle joins. Thought it was a lymph node, then realised you don't have them in your foot....Noticed it about 5 days ago. Majorly freaked out. Suspect tumour.

3. Big soft lump on lower back, about 2 inches either side of spine (both sides). Husband was rubbing lowing back "bloody hell, that's a massive knot!!" cue third symptom and significant meltdown. Both moveable and soft, don't hurt. Googled suggested - amongst cancer - 'back mice' which I'm fairly certain is a made up thing...

3. Small red pin prick patches over the skin on my legs - about eight of them. Noticed this morning in the bath. I also have a patch of skin (about 2-3 cm) on my side that has been there for a few months and hasn't changed. It's slightly red, not crusty, doesn't itch. it just doesn't seem to be going anywhere. So that's sent my skin cancer fear sky rocketing.

Oh, and I feel like I've had heartburn for three days straight.

So all in all, I'm in a RIGHT OL' MESS.

Anyone recognise any of these?!


08-01-19, 15:07
The foot lump sounds like a ganglion cyst. I have a few of these, and they grow or shrink from time to time. Definitely nothing to worry about, plus if you press on them they feel like bubblewrap - fun!

08-01-19, 17:01
Just had a podiatrist say the same thing. I'm sure I'll believe it for approximately 48hrs before I return to my own diagnoses... :doh:

08-01-19, 19:27
Red pin pricks sound like cherry angiomas...the more you look the more you see. I've also found a few darker patches of skin that haven't changed in years. Could be age spots, sun spots, whatever spots...almost certainly not cancer.