View Full Version : Propranolol help please

13-01-05, 09:37
I increased my dose from the start of yesterday from 4 x 10mg p/d to 2 x 40mg p/d last night I starting getting an ache in my legs which feels like growing pains ( im 22 so i dont think its that! ) - ive had it all last nigth and this morning. Could it be a side effect?


13-01-05, 20:20
It could be if it has come on suddenly.

I think we (as sufferers) also sit and wait for things to happen when we start/change medication.

Give it a couple of days to see how it goes ok.


13-01-05, 21:51
hi hayley welcome to the site. and yes as nic says we always seem to have pains somewhere or other and i think the meds give us an eccuse to blame something. take care Vernon

21-08-09, 18:10
this is my first time on this site
help me please...i am soo scared at the moment every thing in my life is going wrong
i have been having severe anxiety with palpitations and shaking pulses in my neck no sleep tight chest all the usual symptoms i was put on citalapram 5 weeks ago and the symptoms seemed to have increased every one said wait a couple of weeks..it has been 5 now and i still am no better worse if anything cause i am so scared how long does it take
my dr has said to take propanolol 2x 10 mg a day i am scared of taking those too please somebody answer me i dont know where to turn to next.

21-08-09, 19:27
You don't say whether the Dr has given you the propanalol instead of the other tablets, or as well as. 2X10mg a day is not a large dose of Propanalol on its own. I take that along with 10mg amitriptyline. If you are concerned and distressed you should perhaps go back to the Doctor , or at least to the practice nurse who will be able to reassure you. Severe anxiety takes a little while to respond to the right medication and the Dr is hoping to find this, I expect. You will feel better in time, you just have to try to hang in there and believe that you can recover from this. Meanwhile, seek out the professionals who can reassure you. Hugs and best thoughts. XXX