View Full Version : Beau’s lines on toenails...please help

08-01-19, 18:27
hi everyone,

I’m looking for some guidance here because i’m going crazy with anxiety at the moment and my brain is working overtime. I noticed a couple of weeks ago that my right big toe has a series of big horizontal dents on it. There’s about five I would say and they’re in the middle. My left toenail has a faint one in the same place but they’re on no other nails. I’ve discovered that these are called beau’s lines and everything I’ve found has pointed towards serious health issues. I don’t have any as far as I’m aware. I’ve recently moved out and I will admit that up until I noticed these lines my diet has been terrible and I’ve eaten hardly any meat over the past three months when I used to eat it all the time. I’ve also been lacking in general veggies. My mental health has gone into whack (depression/anxiety) due to a recent parental divorce so i’m wondering if even extreme mental stress can cause these...cause otherwise I’m convinced i’m dying. If anyone has any experience with these please give me some support and ease my mind.


08-01-19, 18:40
Sounds like someone’s been Googling :)

08-01-19, 18:40
Trauma to the very top of the nail where it goes under the cuticle causes them, I've had them for this reason in the past. The fact that they are on one large toenail and the other large toenail to a lesser extent would lead me to this conclusion - you have worn some shoes that your toenails pressed against for a long period of time ? you have walked for a long period of time in ill-fitting shoes? your toenails have not been short enough so the nail has pressed on the ends of the shoe or even top of the shoe surface? I once, years ago had them on each finger nail in the same place, it was most odd - the cause- I had been TOO harsh doing cuticle manicure stuff !

There we go - sorted !;)

08-01-19, 18:42
Sounds like someone’s been Googling :)

Yes I have and it’s driving me mad!!!!

08-01-19, 19:30
I had the same on my left big toe, I’ll fitting shoes and not keeping it short enough, took well over a year to grow out.

Positive vibes,


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08-01-19, 19:34
Yes I have and it’s driving me mad!!!!

Stop Googling. Simple as that, STOP.