View Full Version : High Variant Lymphs On Blood Test

08-01-19, 20:01
Yesterday I had a CBC w/differential done along with some others for a follow up of and auto immune disease I might have. One component on my diff panel I am not familiar with is Variant Lymphs. The normal range is 0%-5%. Mine was at 10%.

Needless to say it's kind of freaking me out and I played the devils dance and googled it because I don't believe I had ever been tested for it.

All of my other blood counts were in normal range. Total RBC, total WBC and all the other WBC that are in my body, monocytes, eosnophils, neutrophils, granulocytes, etc. Oddly enough my regular lymphocyte count was in the normal range.

Has anybody been tested for this? Had an elevated percentage? Last week I had what felt like a cold or flu but only lasted a day. Since I have felt normal.

Any help would be appreciated.


08-01-19, 20:32
Yep. In my last blood test my lymphocytes are also elevated.

bin tenn
09-01-19, 00:37
Since you had the cold/flu like symptoms recently, I'd assume that's the cause. Illness, even a minor common cold, can and often will temporarily affect a number of things in the blood - especially those related to the lymphatic system (e.g. lymphocytes).