View Full Version : H. I. V. Symptoms?

08-01-19, 23:52
Hello, just a paranoid 25 year old worried about his health here! I had a couple of questions about the H.I.V. Virus and was hoping that someone with a bit of expertise or knowledge could relieve me from my own thoughts. So, long story short, my girlfriend left town to visit her family, and while she was away, I purchased a sex toy in order to alíviate my needs. It is the only sexual activity I have had since my girlfriend left, however, when reading instructions on how to clean my sex toy, I read that S.T.Ds can be transmitted through sex toys. The only thing though, is that I purchased my toy from an adult store, which means that I took it of the box and out of the plastic bag that enclosed it inside of the box. However, my paranoid mind got me thinking that that, H.I.V, which is probably the most popular S.T.D. known by ignorant people (like myself), could have somehow ended up within this toy that I purchased. So about three or four weeks later, I got a runny nose and a swollen throat, and was sneezing quite a bit. Right after that, I got diarrhea and stomach pains along with ocasional mild night sweats, AND right after that, I started feeling muscle tenderness (not pain) around my groin area and my armpits as well. All of which, according to what I read online, are symptoms of H.I.V! I never got a fever though. The other symptoms are all now gone, and the only thing that worries me now is that my tongue has turned slightly white and is a bit dry. Now, I would really, really, really appreciate it if someone would tell me that I am simply being paranoid, and that the symptoms that I described were caused by another illness or maybe even by the power of my paranoid/anxious/skeptic mind. Please, someone tell me that my mind is simply playing tricks on me and that it is not possible to contract H.I.V. from a recently purchased brand new sex toy! :(

09-01-19, 00:43
You mind IS playing tricks, the sex toy is NEW!! The HIV virus only survives for a very short time outside the body. FORGET IT :wacko:

Without being rude, this is the most ridiculous association I've ever come across and I've heard a lot in my time !!

10-01-19, 08:55
Thank you so much for the response, I needed to hear it from someone else!

10-01-19, 09:25
I don't mean to brag, but I know a considerable amount about this disease....primarily because i studied the bejeezus out of it for decades.

1: The HIV virus can not survive outside of the human body for more than approximately 2 minutes due to temperature, oxygen, and the surrounding Ph difference. The only way HIV can survive is in a controlled environment (such as a lab) that is specifically altered to make it habitable for the virus.

2: ARS (your body recognizing the virus before dormancy) is a syndrome that occurs 2-4 weeks after the initial infection and lasts around 1-2 weeks. There are a specific set of symptoms that this syndrome abides by...and there are a specific set of symptoms that will never happen as a result of ARS....one of those being anything sinus related.

3: There has never been a documented case.. in the history of the disease.. of someone getting HIV from an object, toilet seat, whatever. The only possible routes are via sex, blood transfusion, sharing needles, or (rarely) oral. The only reason transfusions and needles are possible routes is because it is contained in a tube of some sort.

There is 0% chance you got HIV.