View Full Version : Trying not to have a panic attack

09-01-19, 01:08
I haven't been on her for about a month or so and during that time I've been trying to better myself both mentally and physically. I have been riding an exercise bike for 10 mins a couple of times a week through December now I started doing 30 mins everyday can't really tell if I lost any significant weight cause I don't own a scale. During this time I've been handling my HA very well that was until I saw an ad about oral cancer. Now I am only 20 years old I don't smoke cigarettes I don't chew tobacco and no one in my family ever had oral cancer but for some reason this ad has me freaking out trying to look in my mouth to see if I have any symptoms. Now I'm not a doctor or a dentist so I don't know what to look for and I know I shouldn't be the one looking for it because my anxiety would say I have it no matter what I see even if it is something normal. I'm really trying my best not to freak myself out and drive myself crazy but for some reason that ad won't leave my mind so I can't stop thinking "something could be there I got to check just to make sure." If any of you ever had to deal with I would love to know how you dealt with it? If any of you have any advice on how I can stop worrying about it I would love to hear it.

09-01-19, 01:14
Go to a dentist for a standard cleaning/checkup. 20 minutes in and out, then you’ll know you’re fine. Plus it’s good for you anyway.

09-01-19, 01:26
Go to a dentist for a standard cleaning/checkup. 20 minutes in and out, then you’ll know you’re fine. Plus it’s good for you anyway.

I do. I go twice a year my next appointment is in march I can only go when they schedule me. I tried to get in sooner last year but they say I can't get in any sooner than I was scheduled.

09-01-19, 01:56
I do. I go twice a year my next appointment is in march I can only go when they schedule me. I tried to get in sooner last year but they say I can't get in any sooner than I was scheduled.

No worries then. In 2 months you’ll get the all clear and move on

bin tenn
09-01-19, 02:36
Indeed, I agree with AMomentOfClarity. And when you do get the all clear, by all means, please do "move on." I (stupidly, I admit) had irrational oral cancer fears for some time. I wish I had that time back. Haha.