View Full Version : Back again! Constant Acid Reflux and stomach discomfort

09-01-19, 07:25
Hello all,

I was on this forum a few months ago (with an unrelated health issue and health anxiety) and I found you to be a great bunch of people who really helped me out of a dark place. I’m hoping you can reassure me and stop me from going back to that very health anxiety related dark place.

About three years ago I ended up getting 24/7 acid reflux - it was horrible, I felt bloated all the time, my lower back hurt, I felt sick, burped a lot, had heartburn and didn’t want to eat really. This was when the very first really bad bout of health anxiety kicked in and I started to obsess about pancreatic cancer. I was put on Omeprazole. After a few weeks the symptoms went away and I forgot about all my worries and moved on.

Over the past few years I’ve had few more incidences of bad acid reflux, I wouldn’t worry, start taking Omeprazole again and it would go after a few weeks. This time is different.

Just before Christmas (about a week), on a Sunday evening, I started getting pains in my stomach and felt sick. It was very much like I had food posining. The next day I woke up I felt awful, was shivering and had to take the day off work. I had acid reflux by this point as well. The shivering and feeling awful soon finished but the reflux and stomach discomfort continued over Christmas at various levels. At times it would be one or the other, both together and various levels of pain/discomfort.

Now, I admit to over indulging over Christmas on food and alcohol which wouldn’t help. There was a few days when I thought I was over the reflux but then the next day it would kick in. I’ve continued to take the Omeprazole. If it was just the reflux I would understand but it’s the lower stomach pain - it feels like I’m bloated all the time, need to go to the toilet (but don’t) and general discomfort/pain. The Omeprazole isn’t doing much right now and while I’m no longer eating badly and drinking anything alcoholic, nothing has helped yet.

I, or course, have started to worry and went to google. I’m now worried again and pancreatic cancer, esophagus and bowel cancer - depending what I’m feeling the most at that time.

So, yeah, I don’t want to go down the dark hole again and end up very depressed and full of anxiety. Anyone else in the same boat? I’ll add this is 24/7, the reflux and stomach discomfort doesn’t go away really, just changes. Please tell me why it isn’t any of the previously mentioned awful things!

I’m 30 years old, white and male. Married with a little daughter and another on the way. I’ll add as well that I haven’t noticed any change in stools, any blood and I’m still going. I’m not suffering with watery stools or blocked up.

Thanks as always NMP.

09-01-19, 09:39
I am permanently on 15mg lanzaprazole for acid reflux. Have been for the last 10 years. I'm 44. Things that work for me. Slightly tilted bed. Cut out processed tomato sauce and fatty dairy in evenings. Last meal 4 hours before bed. Look at detoxing with FODMAP diet for a few months. Lose weight if overweight. Do exercise e.g. walking or cycle machine. Take the minimum dose of omeprazole or lanzaprazole to relieve your symptoms. In my experience PPIs can also make you more sensitive to foods you are intolerant to or allergic to so keep an eye on which foods are triggers.

Also, goes without saying you can get reflux and other symptoms at same time. I once had reflux, gastritis, and costochondritis at same time. You may have something similar. See you doctor from time to time. If needed they can send you for blood test, allergy test, endoscopy, and 24hr acid reflux test. If your symptoms last over years you may get sent for these but I don't think what you are experiencing is there yet. Get advice from doctor. Reflux is horrible. Good luck!

09-01-19, 17:04
You could be talking about me, i am having exactly the same issues. I have just got over a nasty bout of reflux, doctor put me on 40mg omaprazole. I was then thinking esophagus cancer. For the last four days I have had lower abdominal pain, bloating and that feeling of needing the toilet, everything that you have explained. I am now worried about Ovarian cancer. I have made an appt for two weeks time to see the GP, if things haven't calmed down. The anxiety makes it worse I am sure.

09-01-19, 20:19
FODMAP diet is great for bloating. Stress is a big contributor to reflux. Fundamental cause for me is weakening of valve that keeps acid down.

09-01-19, 22:52
You could be talking about me, i am having exactly the same issues. I have just got over a nasty bout of reflux, doctor put me on 40mg omaprazole. I was then thinking esophagus cancer. For the last four days I have had lower abdominal pain, bloating and that feeling of needing the toilet, everything that you have explained. I am now worried about Ovarian cancer. I have made an appt for two weeks time to see the GP, if things haven't calmed down. The anxiety makes it worse I am sure.


Hope everything goes well at the GP! Is it 24/7 for you as well? Have you had this before and how old are you (if you don’t mind me asking)?

Thanks to everyone else for taking the time to reply.

10-01-19, 17:09
Hi there

I have had this once before and it eventually went away, I think its probably a bit of overindulgence after Christmas but worries the hell out of me. The pain and bloating is just starting to go down so are my anxiety levels. I found that fasting by only eating one meal a day for the past couple of days has helped and given my digestion a rest. I am in my 50's, so no spring chicken but you worry more as you get older I'm afraid.
Try not to worry and try eating less for a few days and see if it helps. Take care.

10-01-19, 22:11
You could be me. I am having the exact same symptoms. I started early on in the year with a bad case of gastritis and have never been the same since then. I also have high stress levels that are sometimes very difficult to manage. I too over indulged at Christmas and have suffered since. Lanszapraole usually helps but it doesn’t seem to be this time. I get burning sensations all over my stomach. I really do feel your pain x

11-01-19, 07:01
Thank you for the replies and kind messages - glad to hear I’m in the same boat as others, if that’s the right turn of phrase!

Was convinced I noticed blood in my stools yesterday (went to toilet 4 times). Wife said it wasn’t but still wasn’t sure so purchased a home test which came back negative. Woke up this morning still with reflux and stomach discomfort. Now my bum hole (sorry!) feels sore, anyone else?

Currently flipping between worrying about bowel cancer and pancreatic cancer, which of course comes from my health anxiety. Anyone else have those horrible thoughts but been able to rationalise it?

Thanks again to all for your replies, it’s very appreciated!

11-01-19, 07:09
If you've been checking multiple times a day for blood in your stool, yes, that part of your anatomy is going to get sore. Been there, done that.

All else aside, an occasional small amount of red blood in your stool is almost never anything to worry about, and can absolutely, definitely be caused by overenthusiastic checking (don't ask me how I know this!)

16-01-19, 20:54
Hello all,

Back again! Hopefully you can all give me some words to make me feel better tonight.

I've currently got my health anxiety good and proper and I'm worried about pancreatic cancer. Just for information, I'm a 30 year old male. Slightly overweight, drink a bit too much and don't eat that well.

Just before Christmas (about 9 days ago), on a Sunday evening, I randomly started to have sharp pains in my lower stomach. The sort of pains you get with food poisoning - which is what I assumed it was. I went to bed, got up in the morning and the pains continued. I was also shivering, cold but also hot at the same time. Again, I assumed it was food poisoning and took the day off work. I wasn't sick and my stools were fairly fine, though I did go a few more times than normal.

The next day, my acid reflux kicked in. I should say here, I've had acid reflux for about three years. The first time I had it, it was 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I got into an awful health anxiety state, went to the GP a number of times and was googling a lot - especially around pancreatic cancer. I finally got over it when I started taking omeprazole and the symptoms went a way. I have had acid reflux on and off since that day, I would go back on to omeprazole for a bit when required.

Going back to the recent information, the acid reflux continued 24/7 over Christmas. I also felt very bloated and full. I started to take my 20mg omeprazole again but it didn't seem to kick in. I did continue to drink and eat badly over the period (as it was Christmas). However, things have continued over and since Christmas:

> Stomach discomfort, especially around the side (love handles) and lower back. A pressure type feeling.
> Acid reflux as mentioned before
> Slight nausea as times
> Sharp pains just under the rib cage, both sides - like a stitch type feeling - sometimes in lower stomach/bladder area
> Last 4 days, an upper back pain that is all the time really (sometimes not as bad). It doesn't stop me doing stuff, just feels like a bruised area that sort of moves around or a knot. It isn't sharp, just there most of the time.

My stools have been pretty much fine, as has my urine.

I went to GP yesterday and she said nothing I said sounds like cancer, that it was a bad flare up of my gastro/acid reflux, to up my dose to 40mg (twice a day) and come back in two weeks if it had continued. She felt my tummy and said all felt fine. She refused a blood test, said I had one in September for tons of things and it all came back fine.

Despite this, i’m still worried about pancreatic cancer and liver cancer based on symptoms. Anyone else in or been in the same boat? Just want to know all my symptoms don’t point and aren’t those things!

Thanks again everyone, this forum is amazing for HA’s like myself.

16-01-19, 21:42
I think pancreatic cancer is pretty much unheard of in your age group. Indigestion on the other hand.... VERY COMMON. Hear hooves, think horse not Zebra

16-01-19, 22:32
I think pancreatic cancer is pretty much unheard of in your age group. Indigestion on the other hand.... VERY COMMON. Hear hooves, think horse not Zebra

Haha great little quote that.

I know it is, it’s like an 1,000,000/1 chance but it has happened (think something like 8 in every 100,000) and it’s hard to get it out of the head when you’ve read so much, have health anxiety and symptoms.

17-01-19, 08:46
Anyone else in the same boat? Or have been in the same boat with similar symptoms? Just need some reassurance

17-01-19, 09:10
I live with everything you’ve described on a daily basis and have done for a year now. I’ve had every test and scan going and there’s nothing wrong with me apart from reflux and ibs. I have good days and bad and it seems to come in what I call flare ups where it is worse for a spell. I can’t find a trigger nor anything that seems to help, I just have to let it run it’s course. I’m waiting to see a dietician and I’m hoping I may be able to control it with diet. Try not to fear the worst, anxiety can make stomach problems worse and I know it plays a part in mine. My point is, I’ve had this for a year and not only am I still alive, and don’t have any life threatening illness. I hope you get some relief soon

17-01-19, 11:07
Anyone else in the same boat? Or have been in the same boat with similar symptoms? Just need some reassurance

If you scroll to the bottom of the page you'll find similar threads. Do a search on pancreatic cancer or reflux and you'll find pages of results with replies.

Rather than reassure you, I think a good swift cyber kick in the rear is more appropriate. You know you have reflux issues but you "drink a bit too much and don't eat that well." What is the real cause of this and what is the solution? :whistles:

Positive thoughts

17-01-19, 16:10
I live with everything you’ve described on a daily basis and have done for a year now. I’ve had every test and scan going and there’s nothing wrong with me apart from reflux and ibs. I have good days and bad and it seems to come in what I call flare ups where it is worse for a spell. I can’t find a trigger nor anything that seems to help, I just have to let it run it’s course. I’m waiting to see a dietician and I’m hoping I may be able to control it with diet. Try not to fear the worst, anxiety can make stomach problems worse and I know it plays a part in mine. My point is, I’ve had this for a year and not only am I still alive, and don’t have any life threatening illness. I hope you get some relief soon

Hey Emls,

Thanks for taking the time to reply, super thankful!

How did you find the back pain? That is the bit that is freaking me out the worst at the moment - can't see why I'd have it!

---------- Post added at 16:10 ---------- Previous post was at 16:08 ----------

If you scroll to the bottom of the page you'll find similar threads. Do a search on pancreatic cancer or reflux and you'll find pages of results with replies.

Rather than reassure you, I think a good swift cyber kick in the rear is more appropriate. You know you have reflux issues but you "drink a bit too much and don't eat that well." What is the real cause of this and what is the solution? :whistles:

Positive thoughts

Hey Fish,

Thanks for the reply, already looked through a number of the threads you speak out - main thing is, I can't find one that speaks about the upper back pain 24/7 - do you have any threads/ideas on that?

Haha yes, well I've cut out the drink for a while now and improved the diet. Appreciate I over did it over Christmas but obviously this started pre-Christmas.

Thanks as always, you are an amazing member of this forum.

17-01-19, 16:34
I don’t deal with it any of it very well at times! Sone days when my chest and upper back are bad I fall apart and find it very hard to believe that this is all reflux/anxiety and nothing serious. I just have to remind myself I’m still here and it’ll ease off at some point. Regular stomach pains don’t worry me it’s only when it’s in my chest /shoulder blades. I have no tips on how to cope with it I’m afraid as I don’t cope with it very well myself! Sorry

18-01-19, 01:04
Hey Fish,

Thanks for the reply, already looked through a number of the threads you speak out - main thing is, I can't find one that speaks about the upper back pain 24/7 - do you have any threads/ideas on that?

Haha yes, well I've cut out the drink for a while now and improved the diet. Appreciate I over did it over Christmas but obviously this started pre-Christmas.

Thanks as always, you are an amazing member of this forum.

Thank you for your kind words :) Good for you on having will power over the holidays. I was the complete opposite and on top of that I wasn't working and sat on my rear end chowing down way too much! I gained over 5 pounds! I've had bowel issues since treatment and I can assure you that didn't help at all! :weep:

Now I'm back to work, have incredibly long days and have returned to sensible and healthy eating, things have been much better.

There's a recent thread (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=193223) that talks about the very same thing actually. Things get a little extreme but it's all about the same pattern of thought. The most logical explanation and solution is the total opposite of what happens. I always say treat the root of the problem and you treat the symptoms it causes :winks:

Positive thoughts

18-01-19, 02:04
it sounds more like a hernia or something. you are far too young to be thinking about liver or pancreatic cancer, besides, the symptoms don't exactly fit. Either liver or pan can causes jaundice.. and this shows up in your stool, your urine, and your skin. You would also be itching like crazy and you would have severe, unintentional weight loss. To me, this sounds transient.. like a hernia or maybe a kidney stone (especially with that flank pain you've been having)

20-01-19, 11:52
Thanks for all of the replies, really appreciated.

Just find it hard to believe or get my head around. Current symptoms include:

> Stomach discomfort
> Acid reflux as mentioned before, often after eating anything
> Lots of burping and passing of wind
> Slight nausea as times
> Sharp pains just under the rib cage, both sides - like a stitch type feeling - sometimes in lower stomach/bladder area or chest area.
> Recently, an upper back pain that is all the time really. It doesn't stop me doing stuff, just feels like a bruised area that sort of moves around or a knot. It isn't sharp, just there most of the time. Doesn’t change when I bend forward or lay down. Mostly top and left
> Started to feel sore under me left armpit, can’t see or feel any signs of raised nodes - what can this be?
> Slight itching - I mean, slight, hardly notice it most of the time. I would know if it was jaundice itching wound’t I and not just general itching due to anxiety and my mind playing tricks?

My stools have been pretty much fine, as has my urine. Was on 20mg omeprazole and now on 40mg since Tuesday last week but it’s not got rid of the above. My GP wasn’t worried at all, refused to book me in for further tests and said to come back in a few weeks if it continues but nothing I said suggested cancer. I can’t help but read stories of people who went to the GP loads of times before they sent them for tests and found problems. Any advice? Just want to know I’m ok!

Paid for a trial membership on justanswer which is embarrassing. Asked the above a few times and the Dr said it wasn’t cancer and nothing to worry about.

20-01-19, 11:55
This might be a good time to think about whether seeking reassurance is really getting you anywhere.

21-01-19, 10:58
How are we all today? Thanks for the replies and kind words always.

Symptoms have continued and I have my dark moments but feel better mentally than normal when these things flare up. Still hoping it isn't anything bad like everyone says it isn't, still worrying though and googling (must stop). Stomach discomfort and slight pressure under left rib is worrying me today - how can people know this isn't something serious like pancreatic cancer when no tests have been done?! - that is what my brain is trying to tell me today, just trying to push through it and read threads on here and other forums to put my mind at ease.

21-01-19, 14:39
Fair point, very hard cycle to get out of though Blue! Just want to know I'm ok really.

21-01-19, 14:45
I know it's tough, but the further you fall down the rabbit hole, the harder it is to climb back out again. I speak from experience here - every time I think I've beaten my own health anxiety, sooner or later something happens and I'm losing whole days to Google again.

22-01-19, 11:12
Morning all.

So we're still confident this isn't cancer at all? Just keep getting slight stitch feeling in my left side and slight shooting pain every now and then. I'm not in agony and it isn't stopping me doing anything! I'm able to get around and do everything, just feel very low right now and worried! Any thoughts and words of comfort help as always! Heartburn and burping (reflux) still there as always, been over a month now all of this.

Oh and I paid for some in the post private blood tests. Got my blood results back, I'll attach pictures - thoughts welcome on that.





22-01-19, 11:22
So? Get some sun, take a Vit. D supplement and get real life help for your anxiety :winks:

Positive thoughts

22-01-19, 11:41
You've had sensible responses on your other thread, quit fishing ;)

22-01-19, 12:23

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

22-01-19, 12:38
So? Get some sun, take a Vit. D supplement and get real life help for your anxiety :winks:

Positive thoughts

Went in for CBT again, didn't do it last time as I thought I was better and now I've realised I'm not! Will do my telephone appointment shortly.

Thanks as always for the support people.

14-02-19, 18:37
I live with everything you’ve described on a daily basis and have done for a year now. I’ve had every test and scan going and there’s nothing wrong with me apart from reflux and ibs. I have good days and bad and it seems to come in what I call flare ups where it is worse for a spell. I can’t find a trigger nor anything that seems to help, I just have to let it run it’s course. I’m waiting to see a dietician and I’m hoping I may be able to control it with diet. Try not to fear the worst, anxiety can make stomach problems worse and I know it plays a part in mine. My point is, I’ve had this for a year and not only am I still alive, and don’t have any life threatening illness. I hope you get some relief soon

Sorry for asking you this but do you think that there is a relationship between your anxiety and reflux...?

I have tried PPI's and they do not seem to work for me. After having lots of tests by the Gastro specialist (cameras and probes in my oesophagus and larynx for monitoring reflux) and scopes many times by ENT I'm left with what they call Functional" reflux. I am taking nortriptyline for that, prescribed by the Gastro specialist.
But I feel that there is a very strong relationship between reflux and anxiety, not an easy combination to manage.
I'm trying to use various probiotics to try and improve my gut health.

Best wishes and sorry for quoting an old post :)

@LDHarv hope that you are feeling better now :)