View Full Version : Health anxiety returns

09-01-19, 14:48
So I’ve been away from the site for almost 3 years I think, I started getting a lot better, I was in therapy, I moved house, started working two jobs and I really thought I had my life beginning to get back on track.

Two months into being at my new place my Dad was murdered, for months I was in shock, I did a lot of stuff that scared me plank g his funeral, I even indeitified his body. Anyways when the trial began a whole new anxiety over took me the strongest anxiety I’ve ever had, I was in complete derelisation for weeks I began even feeling suicidal because I just wasn’t coping.

Anyways things calmed down a little but since then my health anxiety has just came back full swing, it’s always head symptoms (my dad died of a a brain injury but obviously due to someone else) but it doesn’t matter for some reason my anxiety has still added that in to fears, I used to love having my hair brushed or rubbed as it relaxed my anxiety etc now I’m terrified, sometimes even wearing a hood can set off head pressure and anxiety.

This morning I woke with vertigo just out of nowhere (well my daughter had been talking about someone who had a brain issue in our family and it did make me anxious but that was last night) I freaked the hell out for hours, went to the walk in centre but the waiting times were so long I ended up running out in floods of tears, I’ve had to get someone else to collect her from school.

The dizziness has mostly gone now but thanks to googling I’m worried about meneires disease and tumors etc again.

Dizziness is one of my most common
Symptoms with anxiety btw but never the whole room spinning Christ that was so scary.

I just feel so upset and scared and alone.

The doctor seemed to think it was funny that I was worried about it but for me it doesn’t seem very funny at all

Any advice I’d appreciate so much or just people to talk to thanks x

09-01-19, 15:10
Oh, my goodness, I'm so sorry! With all you've been through, it's hardly surprising you've got anxiety showing up in weird ways.

I'd recommend trying to find a more sympathetic GP or contacting your local branch of MIND, but in the meantime, if you'd like to drop me a PM I'd be happy to chat - it's awful to feel so alone.

09-01-19, 17:07
Thank you for reading and replying. I’m definitely considering another GP I have been prescribed some meds but surprise surprise I’m too terrified to take them, ones a beta blocker and an anti depressant. I hoped they would give me diazepam again as it’s worked in the past but no cigar as they say it’s too addictive.

I’d love to chat over pm if that’s ok. Thanks so much

bin tenn
09-01-19, 21:23
So sorry you have dealt with this unimaginable tragedy. I've lost people, but never like this, and I can't imagine how terrifying that is. Also sorry you find yourself here after so long, but I'm glad you're able to return and reach out for help.

I second possibly finding a new GP. Unfortunately, not every provider will work for our needs. Sometimes it takes a little trial and error to find the right one. I've been lucky, as I've not had that issue myself.

I can't speak for antidepressants. Diazepam, being a benzodiazepine, does indeed have an addiction risk. I'm not sure where you live, but I'm in the U.S. and it's quite uncommon to hear of benzos being prescribed around here, especially for long term use, for that reason.

I can, however, speak for beta blockers. I take a low dose (25mg) Atenolol once daily. I've taken it for three and a half years, and it was prescribed to treat palpitations, tachycardia and mildly elevated blood pressure. I haven't had a single issue while taking it, I feel so much better, and my BP is also normal now. I also take a Rx PPI (40mg Pantoprazole) and a low dose statin (20mg Atorvastatin). No issues at all.

If you have concerns about side effects, at least from the beta blocker, ask your doc. They can offer more information about possible side effects. If it's a low dose, I'd say chances are that side effects (IF any) would be quite subtle and not harmful at all.

Best of luck to you. I hope you get through all of this sooner rather than later.

09-01-19, 23:05
Thanks so much for you reply.

Yeah the beta blockers, again the doctor barely discusses anything she just said I’ll be fine and to take them which I didn’t find hugely helpful, unfortunately I googled and read until I found negatives, I’d really like to try them but in the past I had low blood pressure and when I told the doctor she refused to take my blood pressure which is so frustrating as i know beta blockers can lower your bp and I do want to be anymore dizzy than I usually am you know.

I’m really glad to hear the meds are working for you I hope I can find something that will work and a better doctor!

bin tenn
10-01-19, 00:46
Yes, it certainly doesn't help matters when you can't get clear answers (or any answers, really) from the provider. :( A low dose probably wouldn't cause any significant reduction in BP, but I'm no doc so please do confirm with a professional. I also think the side effects would likely be insignificant with a low dose. But again, I'm no professional. :P

Do you check your BP periodically? Maybe in the pharmacy or similar? Just wondering how you know it's been low before. And was it chronically low, or diagnosed as hypotension, or you just know it's been low in the past?

10-01-19, 12:02
It was a long time ago, after I have birth to my daughter they told me I had a low bp and I was also severely anemic but that was sorted with iron tablets.

I’ve only had it tested once again but that was during a panic attack and it was slightly raised. But because I’m dizzy a lot I kind of just assumed it was still low which now I think about it seems a bit silly. I think maybe requesting a bp check would be good just to see where I am at, it might take some of the fear out of taking the tablets.

My biggest fear is feeling more dizzy and fainting, it just terrifies me so much.

10-01-19, 12:49
I'm not sure I have any better to add than the advice already given, but I wanted to extend my deepest sympathies. You have experienced a huge trauma, and it's not wonder your anxiety returned. Please be kind to yourself and advocate for your needs to a GP who will listen. Also, I don't know how it works over there, but if you can see any sort of therapist or counselor, please, please do. Wishing you the very best.

bin tenn
10-01-19, 13:24
It was a long time ago, after I have birth to my daughter they told me I had a low bp and I was also severely anemic but that was sorted with iron tablets.

I’ve only had it tested once again but that was during a panic attack and it was slightly raised. But because I’m dizzy a lot I kind of just assumed it was still low which now I think about it seems a bit silly. I think maybe requesting a bp check would be good just to see where I am at, it might take some of the fear out of taking the tablets.

My biggest fear is feeling more dizzy and fainting, it just terrifies me so much.

I think it'd be a great idea to have your BP checked. :) I don't know if it being low would be causing your chronic dizziness, but I know dizziness is sometimes a symptom. Ask your doc next time, or check it at a pharmacy. Either way, it sounds like you're being proactive and doing what you can to move past all this. I wish you the best, and I hope you find a resolution soon!

12-01-19, 20:45
Thank you both. I had a jittery few days. I’m going to sign up to a new doctors because the one I’m at really has gone down hill.

I was in psychotherapy but it’s pretty pricey so I tend to have it only once or twice a month, over Christmas I took a break so it might be time to book in if I can afford it.

I’m pretty proactive when it comes to getting better, I just get very frustrated when I feel I’m not doing aswell as I should be and like us all sometimes I let small things overwhelm me.

Really appreciate everyone’s advice and just having people to talk to. :)

12-01-19, 21:26
I can’t offer any advice as such but I wanted to say how sorry I was for everything you’ve been through. I’m glad to hear your looking at getting a new gp as you need kindness and help from a doctor.
You’ve been through so much and it’s taken it’s toll. Be kind to yourself and take each day as it comes
I too have a medication phobia but I do take beta blockers, 10mg propranolol 3 times a day which is a nice low dose, I’ve had no problems with them at all, in fact they really help
NHS do talking therapies that you can self refer yourself for, it’s free and may help you move forward
Good luck and I hope you start to feel better soon xx