View Full Version : Random itchy welt

09-01-19, 15:12
Hi guys so been suffering with a cold virus for a week now and all of a sudden my thigh was itching and I have a itchy welt come up! It's cold so I can't see any midges flying around and I'm panicking as it is as my sore throat has been lingering for so long and now I see a welt I'm making myself worried sick that I may be having an allergic reaction to something can someone please reassure me so sorry 😔

09-01-19, 17:32
most probably a bite of some kind

10-01-19, 04:11
Thank you so much...not sure what happened there think my anxiety got the better of me.

10-01-19, 13:20
I often will get random, itchy welts. The doctor said not to worry about it - they can be brought on my anxiety and stress as well (although yours was most likely a bite).

10-01-19, 20:19
Thank you it did seem odd though for it to just appear suddenly. Anxiety was super high but then again could have been a cheeky midge in the air.I appreciate your comments x