View Full Version : How long does this take.

09-01-19, 15:56
Hi, I am new to this and I have been doing some little reading and getting some really usfull tips.
I have struggled with anxiety for years and I have had some tough times.
I am currently on sertraline 50mg and I'm awaiting CBT. I am a constant worryer, silly little things and major things sometimes I don't know what I am worried about.
I get so sick and diarhea that the symptoms are some what the same as sickness bug. I'm shaky hot and cold and I can't function I feel like someone injects my body with boiling hot water, my brain feels foggy and I just stair.
I don't like going to social events just incase i get these feelings.
I am a mother of 2 and I try so hard not to show my feeling around them, my husband is very helpful aswell.
I just want to feel normal and enjoy family stuff a life.
Any advise etc would be a big help.

09-01-19, 16:30
Hey Chrisi,

I'm sorry that the anxiety has such a strong hold of you right now. I can completely sympathise, when I got really unwell last week I had terrible nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Your body is under so much stress worrying all of the time. It can and will get better! Believe this. It's great that you're on the waiting list for CBT. How long have you been taking Sertraline?

The big catalyst for me was evaluating how I was living my life, if that makes sense. There were so many things that needed to change (some still do), but bit by bit the pressure lessened and my anxiety faded with time. I still struggle with it, don't get me wrong, but I'm not as poorly as I was and I look forward to being even better as I continue to move forward.

Take care of yourself, practice self care and emotionally nourishing activities. It's great that your husband is supportive, use that. Feel free to PM me anytime. I'm a mum too and know the stress of balancing a mental illness with raising a family! Hang in there, this will pass. xx

09-01-19, 16:36
Thank you, I was on sertraline 3 years ago and doc weaned me off, the anxiety never vanished but I seemed to cope with out it. I've only been back on it for 2 half weeks, I read that it would take time but it seems like forever. I haven't felt this bad before and I feel deflated .
I have started to take vitamin supplements to, as my diet so poor I don't feel like eating and when I do eat I can't have much.
Thank you for your kind words, I know I'm not the only one that goes through this but some thought of my own I feel I am.

09-01-19, 16:40
It's definitely a lonely place when you feel like this.

Sertraline usually lifts mood before it works for anxiety, give it another few weeks and hopefully you'll feel a difference. Meal replacement shakes can be good when you feel like not eating. They're usually well balanced nutritionally.

All the best. xx

09-01-19, 16:52
Good idea I will look into shakes thanks.