View Full Version : Facing fear head on

10-01-19, 14:10
Hi all, I’m not usually one to post, especially regarding my own situation but I encountered an experience last night that has left me wondering.

A little back story, I’ve suffered anxiety and OCD all my life in different forms. Health anxiety is silent unless it has anything to do with vomiting, I’m an emetophobe, trust me I’m working on it though.

Last night I had to face my fears head on in order to help my mum. She was in so much pain that we had to call an ambulance and the resulting vomiting was too much for me at times and my partner had to step in but I was there, I helped, I held her, I helped the paramedic. I touched things and didn’t wash my hands, didn’t even think of it until it was all over and she went to the hospital, I even would of gone with her if she asked.

Ultimately I wanted to post to help others see that when it comes to it, we are all strong and we can all push through things that seem completely impossible.

If you have any examples of times you have done this I thought we could post them here, even if it’s something ‘small’ (to those that don’t suffer)

We are stronger than we may think, each and every one of us.

Positive vibes to all,


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10-01-19, 14:29
What a great idea, Mouse.

Incidentally, I wouldn't play down progress you've obviously made. You clearly did sterling job helping your mum and in exposure therapy for yourself.

As you say, when faced with our fears, we have the capacity to cope. But no one said it would be easy...

10-01-19, 16:59
As you say, when faced with our fears, we have the capacity to cope. But no one said it would be easy...

I think if it were easy then we wouldn’t be in the positions we find ourselves sometimes, I definitely don’t mean to make light of the difficulties that we face in having to face our fears.

I live mostly in a state of ‘dealing’ with my anxiety and OCD it’s a constant struggle but I’m proud of where I am.


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10-01-19, 17:22
I definitely don’t mean to make light of the difficulties that we face in having to face our fears.

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I wasn't implying you did 'make light' of anything.

10-01-19, 19:44
How is your Mum, Mouse?

10-01-19, 23:01
How is your Mum, Mouse?

She is okay! Thank you for asking, she spent a few hours getting some blood tests, heart monitoring and an X-ray, she had another episode of extreme pain while there but no more vomiting. They discharged her at about 6:30 this morning with a diagnosis of gastritis.

My mum said she had never felt pain like it and it was terrifying for all involved really, but we are glad that nothing more serious came of it. She has spent the day resting and has managed small meals, which is very positive!

Mouse x

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10-01-19, 23:15
Glad it was only a bad case of gastritis.