View Full Version : Mole Panic

10-01-19, 14:13
Hey Everyone! So on my arm I have had a mole since childhood so it has been atleast 30 years. It hasn't changed. It is one color and under the size of a pencil eraser.I have actually never even worried about it. My shoulder started hurting a few days ago and ever since I just keep thinking this mole is melanoma and has spread to my shoulder. Ugh. Anyone have anything like it? Its just not a perfect circle so it worries me. :shrug:

10-01-19, 14:15
Hey Everyone! So on my arm I have had a mole since childhood so it has been atleast 30 years. It hasn't changed. It is one color and under the size of a pencil eraser.I have actually never even worried about it. My shoulder started hurting a few days ago and ever since I just keep thinking this mole is melanoma and has spread to my shoulder. Ugh. Anyone have anything like it? Its just not a perfect circle so it worries me. :shrug:

Just looks like an ordinary mole. If you are worried go see a dermatologist

10-01-19, 14:19
Looks a bit like Apple Logo!

Oh and it's perfectly normal IMO. Your shoulder pain connection is really stretching even HA limits :lac:

10-01-19, 15:20
So even though it isnt a perfect circle it can still be okay? The edges arent perfect so thats why I worry?

10-01-19, 16:02
Yes, it can still be ok (and almost surely is). It's circular, not some random pattern. Honestly, it looks as normal as a mole could be. I've been there too, but unchanged for 30 years has to tell you it's nothing to worry about.

bin tenn
10-01-19, 16:04
So even though it isnt a perfect circle it can still be okay? The edges arent perfect so thats why I worry?

Absolutely. This is not abnormal. Moles aren't always "perfect", but I understand why you feel this way. Skin bends and moves and stretches, especially as we age. Moles, being basically part of the skin, bend/move/stretch along with it. When they talk about irregular borders, I believe they're referring to lesions that are essentially not circular at all. Such as a mole shaped like a splatter of ink. Not regular at all. I have many moles like in your picture, as well as some with faded/not sharp borders. No worries.

10-01-19, 16:07
You guys thank u so much. I will just keep an eye out on once a month and go from there.
Again thanks :)

10-01-19, 16:56
I agree, this one looks fine! If it starts changing, bleeding, itching, etc, then go see a derm. But I don't see anything worrisome here. :-)

10-01-19, 18:19
One more voice to agree with the don't worry crowd. It doesn't fit any of the ABCs of melanoma, and unless it appeared overnight, I wouldn't give it a second though.

10-01-19, 18:34
One thing I learned from my derm when I asked about edges that aren’t perfectly circular is that it’s not so much the fact that they are perfectly smooth but more so that they have definite borders and aren’t “blurry” like a smudge. If that makes sense.

bin tenn
10-01-19, 19:01
One thing I learned from my derm when I asked about edges that aren’t perfectly circular is that it’s not so much the fact that they are perfectly smooth but more so that they have definite borders and aren’t “blurry” like a smudge. If that makes sense.

That makes sense to me. I didn't understand that for a while myself. Although I didn't see a derm, that's what Google essentially said. I thought "oh no, the border on this one is somewhat faded, I'm done for!" When in reality, it definitely still has a border. Haha.

10-01-19, 22:50
That makes total sense! Thanks again everyone!!

21-01-19, 23:40
So this is a week later. Does my mole look the same? In only checking weekly and my ha plays tricks on me lol looks the same?

22-01-19, 01:00

22-01-19, 01:09

You’re looking for a bunch of amateur/Google University “Doctors” (read HA sufferers) to look at pictures of a mole and give you a diagnosis....

What could potentially go wrong?

22-01-19, 01:13
I get what your saying. Im just looking for someone to be more rational than me.

22-01-19, 14:31
Hey All! Just bumping this post to get a few opinions to see if it appears my mole has changed. In my mind if its on me I jump to worse case yet when I see other peoples photos or read stories I can be rational. Thanks in advance you guys =)

22-01-19, 14:40
Still looks a bit like Apple Logo and in fine shape :wacko:

Has your "shoulder pain" (earlier in this thread) mysteriously cleared up now?

22-01-19, 14:57
Nope turns out I have tendinitis!! That really was far fetched lol!! Thanks for taking the time to look for me!

26-01-19, 18:26
K guys another pic. Kinda having you guys be my second set of eyes to check out changes since mine will only see bad lol!! Let me know whatcha think! If i can answer or help u in anyway let me know too!

27-01-19, 19:47
Just bumping this up so people can take a look and let me know what they think.

27-01-19, 19:49
If you have 80 people tell you it looks normal, will you believe them?

27-01-19, 19:55
Lol im just hoping someone can take a look at the pics to see if they notice any changes or if anyone e has anything similar.

27-01-19, 20:09
I have like 50 moles that look like that.

27-01-19, 21:49
Really?? The borders look similar to this??

27-01-19, 22:43
I am covered in weird looking moles. I just had my annual dermatologist appointment a few months ago and none of them were of concern.





---------- Post added at 20:43 ---------- Previous post was at 20:42 ----------

Sorry - I have a shit phone, but you can tell they are all different colors, shapes, borders, etc...

28-01-19, 03:12
Omg you are too sweet for taking pictures! Thank you! Maybe all moles just arent perfect lol

28-01-19, 03:35
Omg you are too sweet for taking pictures! Thank you! Maybe all moles just arent perfect lol

My 4 year old was like, "what are you doing??" :roflmao:

And yes, the ABCD guidelines are just that - guidelines. Everyone has their own norm. That's why comparing to pictures online is a recipe for worry! You've had that mole for years so deep down you know it's ok. But, once you start looking you can make any moles look concerning!

28-01-19, 03:47
That is seriously so true!!!!

28-01-19, 18:46
Anyone else that has a sec to take a look pretty please? =)

28-01-19, 19:51
Three pages of reassurance isn’t enough? C’mon ChelleB... Time to put this to rest.

Positive thoughts

29-01-19, 02:08
Any change?

29-01-19, 03:06
I just went back and read from the beginning and saw you mention you'd keep and eye once a month or so. I think this will only feed your anxiety. I had bad skin cancer anxiety several years ago when my anxiety in general was through the roof. My dermatologist actually told me that even though she usually tells people to self-check every few months that I shouldn't because it will only make me panic unnecessarily. :roflmao:

I know nobody ever agrees with me about this, but if you can't move past this make an appointment to have it checked. Do you go to a dermatologist annually? After my first time panicking years ago I started to see one every year. That way I know I'm good and if anything really strange pops up I can go in without a long wait. But, I've only ever gone in I think twice in the last several years to have them check something because just having the annual exams keeps my mind at ease that I'm on top of the issue.

29-01-19, 12:47

I had a melanoma removed last year from my leg, it had been there ages, 8 years at least and I just kept looking at it, jagged edges and different colours. Saw a GP about something else and she saw the mole, well that was it fast forward and before I knew it I was at the dermatologist, he said it was melanoma but contained? Had it removed, sent off to lab 2 weeks later my appointment for results ( terrified was not the word) and it was as he had explained. I was melanoma In-Situ, so it had'nt spread but to cover all aspects he took another piece out , just to make sure! that was it, so don't be like me, if your not sure go to doctors :)

29-01-19, 15:40
I don't think one of my moles (I have well over 100) are of perfect shape. I have one that looks like Pacman and one shaped like the queens head - it's the changes that cause alarm and this mole looks perfectly fine to me :-)

29-01-19, 15:46
With all this advice in mind, what are you doing to manage your anxiety? Constantly seeking reassurance is really unhealthy.

29-01-19, 16:58
Went to derms today my mole is 6mm and she looked at it under her scop and said she see nothing bad going on. She said to come back in a year unless anything changes. I asked if 6 months was okay and she said yes. I feel much more calm with knowing she is fine monitoring it. As far as anxiety im on citalopram just started back up the end of november. My anxiety comes in waves. Its gone for months than back with a vengeance. I guess seeing my therapist again is smart. Thanks everyone.