View Full Version : Pain in the aftermath of a panic attack?

10-01-19, 16:07
I’ve had a few panic attacks recently, all because of health anxiety (I keep thinking there’s something wrong with my heart which panic symptoms are NOT helping with). The last one was almost a week ago and since then I’ve had a soreness in my chest on the left side. It’s pretty much constant, with the occasional stabbing pain. It feels muscular, and I know logically it probably is, especially since I feel it most when I move around or breathe in deeply, but I can’t help but think that the pain is confirming my fears that there’s something wrong with me.

Basically, it is normal to feel pain like this after a panic attack? I always get very tense and shaky during one so it makes sense but it would help to know if this has happened to anyone else.

10-01-19, 17:29
Yep. Your heart beats hard and worked hard every time you have a panic attack, so the chest wall gets sore. I'm having left shoulder pain on and off all day today which is really screwing with my anxiety.

10-01-19, 17:57
Yep. Your heart beats hard and worked hard every time you have a panic attack, so the chest wall gets sore. I'm having left shoulder pain on and off all day today which is really screwing with my anxiety.

Yeah, last time I had a panic attack it was my left shoulder that hurt the most. Thank you that does make me feel better about it

10-01-19, 21:49
So happy to read this. I have been suffering with panic attacks for last 2/3months. Never had anything like this in my life but 3 docs seem to think this is what it is. Same symptoms: pain left arm and chest, sometimes right arm, sometimes leg, sometimes head. These pains seem to trigger the panic attacks. Pains are mild not intense. If I think about heart beat it makes it worse and heart feels fast and strong. When panic attack starts I get range of symptoms from burning face/red chest, tight forehead, rapid breathing, pain head or chest or arms, tingling head or limbs. Lasts anywhere from 15min to 1 hour. I have recently been trying breathing technique ‘breath in for 4 - hold for 7 - out for 8’. Which is really helping. I haven’t had a ‘bad’ on where I’m clutching floor since NYE but I have had multiple mild ones which I think I’m controlling with the breathing and trying to reassure myself. After panic I feel some tingly and some mild head pains and chest pains. Really just want it to stop. I link it health anxiety too but just so scary when it happens. I’ve read the fear drives it so if u can try to not fear it then hopefully brain will reprogram. They say it’s from the primitive part of brain ‘amygdala’. I’m trying to understand what my triggers are and think it’s a combo of worrying what certain pains are which is prob me being hypersensitive to them + worrying ‘what if one happens now’ which then brings one on. Need to try and overcome that. I’ve always been generally anxious/worrier, but never panic attacks which do terrifyingly seem to come out of the blue. Had a hard 6 months with a bereavement & personal health scares& fam arguments so doc seems to assume it’s related to this. Had a mild panic today out at restaurant which I managed to control with breathing and also leaving room and going outside for walk in cold helps a lot (also putting something cold on face from fridge) and wanted to comment as I am still getting some little head pains and chest pains. I am not on any meds as I don’t like side effects etc. Any advice or experience or support welcome.