View Full Version : Accidentally ate undercooked chicken

10-01-19, 21:27

So about an hour ago me and my partner ate some chicken breasts. Halfway through eating it I started to wonder if it was cooked properly. Kept eating it anyway...but then realised I'd put the oven on the bottom fan only setting... meaning it might not have been as hot as it should be. It didn't look pink or anything cos it was covered in a sauce.

And started freaking out as we'd both finished it by this point.

Now I'm totally freaking out that I've given myself and partner food poisoning as it doesnt show for ages after consumption.

What do you think?

10-01-19, 21:35
Alcopop it's impossible to say because we can't see the said chicken!

However, I'm sure if it was severely under-cooked, you'd have noticed the texture when eating it.

I'm sure you're young, healthy etc., which should enable you to deal with any 'bugs', even should you get mild symptoms.

Personally, I wouldn't lose sleep over this. On a recent holiday, after a night out, we called at this bar on the way back which was serving burgers. I noticed at the time the burger meat was pink in the middle (yeah I know!) but continued to eat it and I was fine.

This is was in Spain, in 30*C heat, where I'm sure food storage regulations aren't as tight as in the UK or even in our homes!

You'll most likely be fine :)

Good luck

10-01-19, 21:48

So about an hour ago me and my partner ate some chicken breasts. Halfway through eating it I started to wonder if it was cooked properly. Kept eating it anyway...but then realised I'd put the oven on the bottom fan only setting... meaning it might not have been as hot as it should be. It didn't look pink or anything cos it was covered in a sauce.

And started freaking out as we'd both finished it by this point.

Now I'm totally freaking out that I've given myself and partner food poisoning as it doesnt show for ages after consumption.

What do you think?

I've done it lots of times by mistake. Usually because our oven seems to require longer to cook foods and I sometimes forget. The inside will be warm, but not hot. I don't eat it of course, but I have by accident many times.

Never been ill from it. If the chicken was undercooked to the point where it was pink you would taste, and feel the texture. You'd know.

I think you'll be ok. If you dont feel unwell tonight you're safe :D

11-01-19, 08:36

So about an hour ago me and my partner ate some chicken breasts. Halfway through eating it I started to wonder if it was cooked properly. Kept eating it anyway...but then realised I'd put the oven on the bottom fan only setting... meaning it might not have been as hot as it should be. It didn't look pink or anything cos it was covered in a sauce.

And started freaking out as we'd both finished it by this point.

Now I'm totally freaking out that I've given myself and partner food poisoning as it doesnt show for ages after consumption.

What do you think?

How are you feeling now?

Positive vibes,


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11-01-19, 10:06
Thanks all.
We both seem to be feeling ok... So far. Although it can take 48 hours to weeks to manifest itself.. according to Google....
Feeling a bit sick but think that's more due to my anxiety...

11-01-19, 10:24
Hiyer, hope you are feeling ok still. I'm not a meat-eater, haven't been for 20 odd years, but when I was a meat-eater I always worried about under cooking meat (well chicken anyway). I still cook chicken for one family member and if its a breast I always poke a sharp knife or skewer right into the middle of it to check the juices before serving. Totally clear hot juices are good and slightly pink is not good. You really can tell the difference this way. You can invest in proper food thermometer that you can poke in if you are the sort to not get meat cooking right - but personally I've always thought that a step too far for a chicken breast.

11-01-19, 10:34
Thanks all.
We both seem to be feeling ok... So far. Although it can take 48 hours to weeks to manifest itself.. according to Google....
Feeling a bit sick but think that's more due to my anxiety...

I think that’s for certain kinds of bacteria but in practice these things tend to make themselves known by the next day. Glad you are well.

Positive vibes,


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11-01-19, 15:18
I have such a fear of this, even before my anxiety came on. Years ago I was eating chicken at my friend's rehearsal dinner and halfway through noticed it was RAW inside. Like, bright pink, not the least bit cooked. I was horrrrrified because there was no question I'd been eating straight up raw chicken. ::shudder:: But, I didn't get sick.

Even though it can technically take up to a week to show symptoms, most food poisoning (even salmonella) shows up within a few hours to two days. So, if you're still good tomorrow or the next day, chances are you're fine.

11-01-19, 23:47
Thanks guys. All your replies have really helped. Its nice to know people care! I also applaud this forum as being the ONLY place I can go to when going through health anxiety issues and being met by caring and empathetic people who know exactly what I'm going through.