View Full Version : How would you describe anxiety

11-01-19, 08:17
I'd explain my anxiety as this overwhelming feeling of being trapped. My head is a whirlpool of thoughts and I'm screaming for help but no one can hear me. I have always been strong and happy and bubbly and now I've lost my spark. I have no energy no enthusiasm and no concentration. I feel permanently shaky my whole body feels tense. It feels like I'm barely alive, I'm getting by but my mind doesn't seem present. I'm gasping for air and my heart is racing. Im so emotional because I want the old me back...I miss her so much

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11-01-19, 14:42
Sorry to hear you feel this way it really is awful

I would describe anxiety as I’m stuck in a hole and I’m scrambling to get out but there’s nothing to grab on to, my thoughts are fast and confusing and I’m just terrified.

11-01-19, 23:50
A thousand radios turned up to full volume, simultaneously broadcasting their own different station, day in day out.

12-01-19, 03:59
Sometimes it’s like both of you say, and sometimes it’s just quietness and fear.

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16-01-19, 14:14
I would describe anxiety as terror. The inner need to fight or flight. When my body feels anxiety (because it comes from within for me), I immediately try to find a problem to solve. What is causing this? Do I need to reevaluate a situation from 9 years ago? Do I need to reevaluate my relationships? Do I need to worry about my stability? Should I worry about things I have no control over? Should I worry about things that could hypothetically happen? Can I actually handle this? It is absolute torture :(

16-01-19, 17:31
My worst fear but also my biggest motivator.

16-01-19, 19:16
It's like the split second you wake up from a nightmare, only to realise you're being charged down by a bull, whilst standing on the edge of a cliff, and you're on fire.

16-01-19, 21:26
I read somewhere that it was like the depths of hell and all that was contained therein, visibly opening up by your feet.

The description of yours AJ would be funny if it wasn't so damn true :weep:

16-01-19, 23:15
A right pain in the...:biggrin:

In some respects it's like learning to live again like when you were a child except this time you know the monsters exist and the world is pushing back at you ten times harder.

17-01-19, 01:49
Absolutely pointless

26-01-19, 08:10
I want to turn my brain off, turn off my thoughts. If there was a switch and i could just stop thinking. Overthinking and anticipation of the worst. Overload of thoughts and voices in my head. (Not like hearing voices but my own voices)

welsh girl
28-01-19, 14:24
mine! I also feel that it originated from a situation eleven years ago. this I can't change as the situation happened and can't be undone,

I constantly feel ill with a different pain each day, I can not talk about what happened as it gets stuck in my throat and I can't get started, I sleep very badly and often cry and hope someone would help me,..... You are right it is hell