View Full Version : tomorrows my check up, scared stiff !

02-09-07, 09:53
Hi peeps,

Tomorrow I have my audiologist appointment at 11 am and I am terrified.
I am having my ears checked out cos my gp notised some fluid behing my ear drum and my ear drum is sucked inwards .
Also they are going to check out my vertigo , and whats scaring me is the thought of getting strapped into a chair that moves for 40 mins , I know i will panic, i feel sick just with the thought of it.

I never knew the difference between dizzy and vertigo but there is a big difference, vertigo is a spinning or falling sensation rather than a bit of light headedness. Apparently they are doing studies in Australia into inner ear disorders and panic attacks (makes perfect sence to me).

Anyway , I feel rather negative already because I never find out whats wrong with me, all my tests come back fantastic and I do wonder if I am imagining it all ? I can just see them tommorow saying its anxiety !!!

When I get the vertigo, I walk down the street and cant take another step cos everything moves, the floor moves suddenly and I feel my head is getting pulled to the ground, surely this isnt anxiety ? I also get it at home when I move my head everthing feels like its still moving , it is scarey. :wacko:

take care everyone xxx

02-09-07, 10:07

I sympathise with you 100%.

You've described vertigo exactly how it effects me and i KNOW that the feeling i am experiencing is NOT anxiety or panic, simply because it happens when i am doing nothing and feeling nothing like i am anxious or panicky.

For example. The last time it hit me i was walking from the bedroom to the bathroom (as you can understand, nothing scary in that..lol) and i had to hold onto the walls to get back onto the bed for safety, its a horrible feeling, loss of balance, I take stemetil to help and they are very good. I don't get these feelings when i am anxious about going out or when i am panicking, my panic attacks don't work like that.

I wish you all the best for tomorrow :)



02-09-07, 10:20
hope everything goes well tomorrow and you get some answers,

anx xx

02-09-07, 10:57
Hi Mirry,

Firstly, I hope everything goes well tomorrow and that you get the answers you're seeking.

I don't suffer with vertigo myself, more with dizziness, but my Mum does. She had labyrinthitis a few years ago and since then has attacks of it every so often. She can be fine one day and spinning like a top the next...but it's just a weakness in the inner ear caused by that first infection and the inflammation it caused. Perhaps you are suffering similarly?

I read somewhere that some people are prone to developing little crystals in the inner ear fluid that can move about and cause vertigo. They're benign but I'm not sure how they're treated.

Anyway, best of luck to you. We'll be thinking of you :hugs:

Anna. x

02-09-07, 11:06
bless , thanks.

Bluebell, have you asked to get your ears checked ?
By pass ENT and get an appointment with a audiologist, they detect balance problems.

Blackstar, your poor mum , sounds horrible for her.

I wonder how quick I will get the results ?

I actually have ear pain right now so maybe Im going at a good time ?