View Full Version : Blue flash at night brain tumors/seizure?

12-01-19, 10:23
Every once in a while I have an after image of blue or blue ish white when I wake at night. 0.1 seconds and goes when I blink or fades like after image.

The other day the temperature egg in my son's room at night looked like it was vibrating faintly but may have been because it changed colours.

12-01-19, 14:23
Anyone? What if it's build up to a big seizure? Or tumor?

12-01-19, 15:17
Anyone? What if it's build up to a big seizure? Or tumor?

It is not a sign of anything. Its called an afterimage and it has to do with your eyes receptors

12-01-19, 15:27
I see your patterns are back helen, cervical cancer, tumours. phantom smells next?

are you bored again? log off here, put your phone down, put 100% into your recovery and your sons upbringing.

you`re not triggering me, I`m not upset or angry so please admin don`t give me the traditional `guidance` . but from basic human compassion I don`t think you are doing yourself or your boy any favours.

where will you be in 1 year, 3, 5 years if you carry on like this?

good luck

12-01-19, 15:33
I see your patterns are back helen, cervical cancer, tumours. phantom smells next?

are you bored again? log off here, put your phone down, put 100% into your recovery and your sons upbringing.

you`re not triggering me, I`m not upset or angry so please admin don`t give me the traditional `guidance` . but from basic human compassion I don`t think you are doing yourself or your boy any favours.

where will you be in 1 year, 3, 5 years if you carry on like this?

good luck

Quite right too, Bruce. Couldn't have said it better myself :shades:

Violet Blue
12-01-19, 15:54
Ah, Helen, back in your natural home. I hope admin moves you over to the symptoms board again, where you know you won't get as much attention...

12-01-19, 16:34
It's when I wake though so not exactly an after image

---------- Post added at 16:34 ---------- Previous post was at 16:33 ----------

Thank you for your wise words Bruce. I recognize I am spiralling I should start CBT this month as have been

12-01-19, 17:12
Sorry this is happening again, Helen. It's so much harder with a baby and lack of sleep makes anxiety so much worse. I hope you can find the help you need to push through it. I've struggled since my daughter was born 4.5 years ago, but didn't get help until after her first birthday. I still need therapy twice a month to stay on track.

12-01-19, 18:08
Log off, Helen. Creating multiple threads doesn't get you anywhere at all. Give your time and attention to your baby rather than to the HA board?

12-01-19, 20:10
But what's the blue light I occasionally see waking up?

12-01-19, 20:25
It's nothing important. Bodies do stuff, and the vast, vast majority of the time it means absolutely nothing.

12-01-19, 20:55
What if its a seizure?[COLOR="blue"]

12-01-19, 20:58
Step away from the forum and take a breath, even if it's just for a little while.

You're clearly panicked, and you'll never find the reassurance you're looking for here, it has to come from within. Acknowledge the anxiety, and then let the thoughts pass.

12-01-19, 20:59
What if its a seizure?[COLOR="blue"]

It isn't

12-01-19, 23:40
Thanks blue, I read that focal seizures have colours.

13-01-19, 04:56
I've read up a little on this in the past, and sometimes you can see colours at night in the same way you see patterns when your eyes are closed. I think the theory is that it's your eyes interpreting the tiny electrical signals constantly passing through your brain.

In a lot of ways, it's kind of like your own personal Northern Lights, and when you think about it that way it becomes less scary than kind of cool.

13-01-19, 18:13
have you ever had it? I've got an eye test on Tues so nervous wreck about that . . .

13-01-19, 18:25
I've had all manner of weird visual effects over the past couple of years, including seeing weird glowy effects when I wake up in the middle of the night.

While I was incredibly scared while I was having a dozen or so migraine auras a month, (GP wasn't bothered, propranolol helped until quitting coffee got rid of them altogether), I'm pretty sure that brain tumours involve far more dramatic symptoms than sparkly visuals.

13-01-19, 18:47
I get weird vision stuff like that all the time, especially in the dark, everyone does. I never even know "after images" were a thing until I started reading this forum. That happens literally any time I stare at something for more than a few seconds, especially if it's either more sunny than normal or dark. I get floaters when it's sunny, flashes randomly for no reason, etc... It's never occurred to me to worry about this stuff because it's gone on for so long.

I'm sorry your anxiety is coming back. This is the same kind of pattern mine takes - one worry lead to another and another.

It's especially hard with a new baby because you have so much time to be home and think, plus you're not sleeping as well, which makes anxiety thrive.

Try to get the help you need. I had severe anxiety for the fist year of my daughter's life and it makes me so sad thinking back because it's all such a blur due to the anxiety. I wish I could have gotten help sooner and enjoyed that special time more (though, it's sometimes hard to enjoy even without anxiety because babies are HARD).

15-01-19, 23:39
I think the blue the other night may have the gro-egg temp we have in our room because it goes blue if it's too cold then orange when fine. Last night when I was awake it was doing this. Can't be certain but is same colour blue and in same location. However I as just chatting and not sure if I had a blue White flash in my sight as i blinked near a light bulb. Would I still be talking as normal if it was a seizure or tumor?

---------- Post added at 23:39 ---------- Previous post was at 23:37 ----------

It happened in blink like an after image.

16-01-19, 00:03
Helen I've told you about partial seizures in other threads that you've posted.

No, this is not a seizure at all. Occipital lobe seizures (which cause the ''colours in vision'') - you'd be under no illusion that you were having them. As I've told you before, you'd be off to A&E without posting on here if you had a true partial seizure

In the case of occipital lobe seizures, as this part of the brain does not deal with speech function, yes people can speak during them.

Please deal with your anxiety, but I won't be responding to any of your posts in the future, as you seemingly ignore all good advice given!

Good luck

16-01-19, 00:48
But it wouldn't just be a single blink 'did I/didn't I'

---------- Post added at 00:16 ---------- Previous post was at 00:11 ----------

But it wouldn't just be a single blink 'did I/didn't I'

---------- Post added at 00:48 ---------- Previous post was at 00:16 ----------

What does under no illusion mean,no mistaking it?

17-02-19, 19:09
Happened again last night I was awake and was literally t as I blinked in dark talking to my boyfriend

17-02-19, 20:35
Ah, Helen, back in your natural home. I hope admin moves you over to the symptoms board again, where you know you won't get as much attention...

Unnecessary and callous comment. If you have nothing nice to say, then move on.

---------- Post added at 20:35 ---------- Previous post was at 20:25 ----------

I have it happen as well when I wake up at night...thought my flashes are green. Like a green blob of light for no reason. I dont have seizures..

17-02-19, 20:37
I have a blue flash occasionally in my eye/eyes and have for years ! Floaters and flashes can happen as your eyes age, and the internal jelly stuff (now WHAT is it called, can't be bothered to google lol) thickens and pulls slightly on the retina.

17-02-19, 21:37
Some unnecessary comments on here in my opinion. It is a support board afterall... I also get blue flashes for no reason in the dark. Never given it much thought. I really don’t think it’s anything to worry about x

17-02-19, 21:46
Some unnecessary comments on here in my opinion.

A few people just turn up here now and again to make some hurtful and aggressive comments and seek out these types of threads. I think this place is their emotional 'punchbag', unfortunately.

18-02-19, 02:48
I have a blue flash occasionally in my eye/eyes and have for years ! Floaters and flashes can happen as your eyes age, and the internal jelly stuff (now WHAT is it called, can't be bothered to google lol) thickens and pulls slightly on the retina.

Sounds like a remake of the blob with an elderly Steve McQueen :D

Violet Blue
18-02-19, 07:21
[QUOTE=Sarahnadine;1857510]Unnecessary and callous comment. If you have nothing nice to say, then move on.[COLOR="blue"]

Agreed, it was an unpleasant comment. However, have you seen Helen's history?

And out of interest can anyone tell me if Helen has actually tried to help anyone else?

18-02-19, 09:34
I do actually via DM

07-03-19, 22:35
Helen I dont think it's anything to worry about, I occasionally see stuff like random colours/shapes and it doesn't mean anything :hugs:

When I got worried about it I mentioned it to my psych and he wasn't worried, he just said if it happens a lot to get it checked out but if it happens randomly without a pattern then chances are everything's fine :hugs:

08-03-19, 01:53
I do actually via DM

It was an irrelevent question anyway. I don't think NMP give out helpfulness awards :winks:

09-03-19, 19:02
Hi. Its fairly common thing to have, I've asked my optician about it on a few occasions and it's to do with the speed and movement of your eye triggering what it thinks is an image and registering it as a flash of light. Less than a second, probably a fraction of a second. Completely harmless and nothing to worry about.

09-03-19, 20:02
Hi. Its fairly common thing to have, I've asked my optician about it on a few occasions and it's to do with the speed and movement of your eye triggering what it thinks is an image and registering it as a flash of light. Less than a second, probably a fraction of a second. Completely harmless and nothing to worry about.

COlin ! Thanks for posting this, thats really helpful, I've been wondering about this for a quite a few years. I get occasional flashes (like maybe once a week), blue or white, usually to the far outside part of my vision. Now, When I think about it, it is often when I have moved my eyes suddenly....but hadn't thought about that aspect before you mentioned it. It hasn't bothered me too much, as its so sporadic and happens in a split second (less than a second)...and well....I'm not a 'going to the doctor' type of person....lol Nice to have an answer though. :yesyes: