View Full Version : Blood pressure

12-01-19, 17:14
Help please. I have always has a phobia about my bp.
I’m 55 now . This morning I had to have an endoscopy that was normal but my blood pressure to start with was 187/108, it did go down to 160/94.
My pulse at the beginning was 130.
I had sedation for the procedure and my bp went down to 138/88 and 154/85.
I’m not sure if it was the medication or that I was calmer.
Can anyone help , does anyone’s bp get really high at appointments.

12-01-19, 17:18
Some people get what's called "white coat hypertension" which is above normal blood pressure that's only present when your at the drs office, hospital etc.

bin tenn
12-01-19, 22:14
White coat hypertension is definitely possible, I agree. However, those numbers are still quite high - though still not a medical emergency, I don't think. Have you ever checked it outside of a medical setting, such as at the pharmacy? If not, perhaps try that once or twice. If that worries you too much, just talk to your doc about it.

12-01-19, 22:27
Omg! This is me at the moment! I was put on BP med and i can’t bring myself to take my BP to check it. Just looking at the machine causes me anxiety! I don’t really know if i actually have hypertension because of my anxiety . At the doctors office it is always sky high.

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13-01-19, 00:52
My BP is higher at appointments and my Dr knows it. My Dr had me monitor at home and it was lower. It was 150/95 in the office and at home was around 129/88. If I see a BP machine I get anxiety

13-01-19, 02:06
Some people have the white coat syndrome, and get good numbers at home away from doctors. Here in the US a lot of pharmacies have automatic blood pressure machines and you can check yours in a less stressful environment, without having to invest in a home machine. Some of the churches also offer blood pressure checks after services as well (nurses who are members volunteer to do this) which is another good way to get out of the medical environment and figure out if the setting and the situation are the cause.

In my case I have terrible anxiety regarding my home blood pressure machine, so taking my own blood pressure makes my readings go high. I make appointments to have the nurse check my blood pressure at the doctor's office. It's a separate appointment where I do not see the doctor, only the nurse to get the blood pressure check, so you don't have the stress of seeing the doctor.

13-01-19, 17:09
This is most likely anxiety induced hypertension.

As you're in your 50s, keep an eye on your blood pressure. Sometimes, only lifestyle changes are needed, but if medication is needed, generally it's easily treated and nothing to be overly worried about.

Good luck