View Full Version : Health anxiety's lesson

02-09-07, 11:20
Hello all.

I had quite a good day yesterday, and when I have good days my mind can wander instead of being constantly locked onto health worries. And so it came to me that health anxiety - for all its horrendousness - had taught me a valuable lesson. At least, it had made me realise something. I don't know if others here feel the same, but I wanted to share my musings with people who understand. :)

Before health anxiety gripped me, I was a healthy, content twenty-something with relatively little to worry about apart from the usual. Man, I miss that person! Anyway, like lots of women I worried about my appearance, and would spend time and money improving it. I wanted better skin, a slimmer figure, smoother hair, perkier boobs, etc etc...

Not any more!

Health anxiety has taught me to admire and respect my body, every inch of it, because it's the most amazing instrument I will ever have and deserves to be loved as it is. Obviously things do go wrong, but I try and remember how lucky I am in my more lucid moments.

I wonder if anyone else here thinks the same? Or does body dissatisfaction still pervade?

Thanks for reading my waffly post!

Best wishes all,

Anna. x

02-09-07, 18:04
Hi Anna,

I too have health anx and yes I was a care free 20 something. I have only been suffering for the last 12 months.

I have felt terrible about myself but in the past few weeks have been looking after myself better and making an effort like I used to. I am not letting the anxiety win.

My hubby is good and says I love u the way you are but I know in the last year I have not made any effort.
I have found that when I do make an effort and care about myself - it makes me feel better.

I love shopping and clothes and hubby has said that although he doesn't like me spending more money :) he is glad I am back to my old ways of caring about the things I enjoy.

Take Care

Claire xx

03-09-07, 10:35
i'm the same.. 20-something who feels like life has stopped. i wish i could let it all go and move on.
